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Filters: Keyword is Calcium Signaling  [Clear All Filters]
G. C. Amberg y Navedo, M. F., «Calcium dynamics in vascular smooth muscle.», Microcirculation, vol. 20, n.º 4, pp. 281-9, 2013.
M. F. Navedo y Santana, L. F., «CaV1.2 sparklets in heart and vascular smooth muscle.», J Mol Cell Cardiol, vol. 58, pp. 67-76, 2013.
A. V. Tzingounis, von Zastrow, M., y Yudowski, G. A., «{Beta}-blocker drugs mediate calcium signaling in native central nervous system neurons by {beta}-arrestin-biased agonism.», Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, vol. 107, n.º 49, pp. 21028-33, 2010.
M. F. Navedo, Takeda, Y., Nieves-Cintrón, M., Molkentin, J. D., y Santana, L. F., «Elevated Ca2+ sparklet activity during acute hyperglycemia and diabetes in cerebral arterial smooth muscle cells.», Am J Physiol Cell Physiol, vol. 298, n.º 2, pp. C211-20, 2010.
M. F. Navedo, Cheng, E. P., Yuan, C., Votaw, S., Molkentin, J. D., Scott, J. D., y Santana, L. F., «Increased coupled gating of L-type Ca2+ channels during hypertension and Timothy syndrome.», Circ Res, vol. 106, n.º 4, pp. 748-56, 2010.
J. Zhang, Ren, C., Chen, L., Navedo, M. F., Antos, L. K., Kinsey, S. P., Iwamoto, T., Philipson, K. D., Kotlikoff, M. I., Santana, L. F., W Wier, G., Matteson, D. R., y Blaustein, M. P., «Knockout of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger in smooth muscle attenuates vasoconstriction and L-type Ca2+ channel current and lowers blood pressure.», Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, vol. 298, n.º 5, pp. H1472-83, 2010.
L. F. Santana y Navedo, M. F., «Natural inequalities: why some L-type Ca2+ channels work harder than others.», J Gen Physiol, vol. 136, n.º 2, pp. 143-7, 2010.
B. C Nichols, Rossow, C. F., Navedo, M. F., Westenbroek, R. E., Catterall, W. A., Santana, L. F., y G McKnight, S., «Sympathetic stimulation of adult cardiomyocytes requires association of AKAP5 with a subpopulation of L-type calcium channels.», Circ Res, vol. 107, n.º 6, pp. 747-56, 2010.