Detection of G proteins in bovine brain clathrin coated vesicles with common alpha and beta subunits antibodies.

Imagen de Walter Silva
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TítuloDetection of G proteins in bovine brain clathrin coated vesicles with common alpha and beta subunits antibodies.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1991
AutoresSilva, WI
JournalJpn J Pharmacol
Date Published1991 May
Palabras claveAnimals, Antibodies, Brain Chemistry, Cattle, Coated Pits, Cell-Membrane, GTP-Binding Proteins, Immunoblotting

Clathrin coated vesicles (CV) from bovine brain were analyzed via Western blots for the presence of the alpha and beta subunits of guanine nucleotide regulatory proteins. The results with the common alpha antibody GA/1 revealed the presence of apparently undissociated G-protein subunits migrating at approximately 80 kDa. The predominant band was of about 39-41 kDa, with minor labeling observed in the 41-52 kDa range. Western blot analysis for G beta subunit(s) revealed the presence of a single band of about 35-36 kDa.

Alternate JournalJpn. J. Pharmacol.
PubMed ID1908919
Grant List1-G-12-RR03035 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States
1-R29-NS27259 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States