Campana de Accion para aumentar los fondos a NIH

Imagen de Giovanna Guerrero-Medina


Este mensaje viene de parte de la organizacion cientifica FASEB (Federacion de Sociedades Americanas de Biologia Experimental). Si estan interesados en ayudar a aumentarle los fondos a NIH, los cuales han decaido por un 13% en los ultimos 5 anos, por favor participen de esta campana de accion y escribanle a su representante en el congreso. Giovanna ************************* Dear Colleague: We need your help to make sure that NIH gets the funding that it desperately needs for the FY2009 fiscal year. This is a very crucial stage in the funding process, and we need to ACT NOW to have the maximum impact. Please contact your Representative and ask that they make a "programmatic request" for additional funding for NIH. The deadline for these requests is Wednesday, March 19. Use this link to contact your Member of Congress now: Thank you very much for your help on this urgent and extremely high priority. Sincerely, Robert E. Palazzo, Ph.D. FASEB President
