Nomina a un profesor para el Ruth Kirschstein Diversity in Science Award

Imagen de Giovanna Guerrero-Medina


Fecha Límite: 

Lunes, 19 mayo 2014

Dear Colleague,

The American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Minority Affairs Committee (ASBMB MAC) aims to increase the visibility and broaden the overall representation of biochemists and molecular biologists from historically underrepresented ethnic groups. Accordingly, as chair of ASBMB MAC, I am asking you to nominate an outstanding faculty member from your department for the 2015 Ruth Kirschstein Diversity in Science Award ( The award was established in 2010 to honor an outstanding scientist whose work epitomizes a commitment to the encouragement and effective mentorship of underrepresented minorities in their pursuit of careers in science.

Awardees receive a plaque, a cash prize of $3,000, and travel expenses to present a lecture at the annual ASBMB meeting. Previous awardees include Drs. Arthur Guiterrez-Hartmann (University of Colorado Denver), Peter Blumberg (National Institutes for Health), Lovell A. Jones (MD Anderson Cancer Center), Freeman A. Hrabowski III and Michael Summers (University of Maryland Baltimore County).

Nominations must be submitted by members of the Society although the nominee need not be an ASBMB member. If the society membership requirement precludes you from nominating a qualified candidate, we would appreciate your encouraging your colleagues to submit the nomination. I have also attached an electronic advertisement of our award and would appreciate your posting this in your department.

Thank you in advance for your nomination and we look forward to receiving a strong packet. 

Visit for more information.  If you have questions about the award nomination process or selection criteria, please feel free to contact either me or Weiyi Zhao (

Warmest Regards,

Takita Felder Sumter, PhD

Chair, ASBMB Minority Affairs Committee

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Winthrop University




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