Oportunidad de Apoyar a una Joven Investigadora

Imagen de Erica Loren Carrero Valles


My name is Erica L. Carrero Vallés. I'm a young scientist recently graduated from Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico Masters Agro-Biotechnology program. During my last semester of Graduate School one of my professors presented me an opportunity to study an Agro-biotechnology PhD in Mexico. I was ready and almost set to go, but I got laid off my job so I started living with my savings that were set to pay for Grad School. 

Education is a very important aspect of my life and is the only thing that has kept me going during the years since I've been supporting myself for a long time now. My education plan is to enroll in the PhD program that combines Science and Education. I love to teach, there is no greater satisfaction than watching kids and adults optimistic about the learning process. Several experiences in my life have helped me to decide that teaching and Science are my passion. I was a Girl Scout from middle school until High School, were I had the privilege to do some volunteer work as a Camp Staff and be a mentor to young girls. Also, I had the opportunity to give science classes to high school students from public schools. 

The Agro-biotechnology PhD program I intent to enroll is not available in Puerto Rico and one of the benefits of it is that I would be able to study and do research in current problems in the Agricultural Industry of my country and the US.
It has taken me a while to achieve my goals but I have never stopped fighting for them, that is why I'm kindly asking donations to continue pursuing them. One of my favorites quotes from Earl Nightingale says: “Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.”

The link to access the donation site is: http://www.gofundme.com/bc7h2c

Have a blessed day,
Erica Carrero Vallés



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