Programa de crédito de impuestos o fondos federales para empresas de biotecnología (Julio 21 Fecha Límite)

Imagen de Giovanna Guerrero-Medina


Si eres dueñ@ de un negocio de menos de 250 personas envuelto en investigación preclínica o clínica que conllevó trabajos en el 2009 o 2010, tienes oportunidad de solicitar a un programa que ofrece o créditos de impuestos federales contributivos o fondos públicos para investigación. Este nuevo programa emerge de la reforma de salud (Pub. L. 111-148, Affordable Care Act) y es una colaboración del NIH y del IRS. ENLACES: Abajo incluímos más información del NIH: Get a Tax Credit or Grant for Investments in Therapeutics If your business has fewer than 250 workers, you're in luck. Through the new Qualifying Therapeutic Discovery Project program, also called "QTDP," Uncle Sam will give you a tax credit or grant for past investments in projects to improve the delivery of therapeutics, advance the study of molecular diagnostics, or discover new ways to diagnose, prevent, or treat diseases. It's ok if your business doesn't have or qualify for an SBIR or STTR award -- for this benefit, the rules are different. You can get back up to 50 percent of expenses made during tax years 2009 and 2010, up to $5 million. Funds come from the IRS, but NIH will review and certify that investments meet scientific qualifications. You get to choose whether to apply for the tax credit or a grant, but we suggest that you consult with a tax professional to see which option works better for your situation. Read Internal Revenue Bulletin: 2010-23 for definition of qualifying projects and rules about what expenses count, what business entities can apply, how the program works, how you should calculate your benefit, what forms you'll need to fill out, and what information you'll need to provide. Applications are due by July 21, 2010. If you choose the grant option, NIH plans to certify eligible awards by October 29, 2010. Get more information, including an IRS fact sheet, in the May 21, 2010, Guide notice. If you have more questions about the program, email
