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2018 has been a year of big milestones for the Arecibo Observatory (AO). After the passage of
the Hurricane Maria, the AO stands stronger and celebrates 55 years of scientific discoveries
and innovative hard work, now under the new management team lead by the University of
Central Florida (UCF), with the collaboration of the Universidad Metropolitana (UMET) and Yang
Enterprises Inc.

To promote the Puerto Rico’s iconic scientific facility, exalt its incredible history and embrace its
bright future, a week-long event was specially designed by the AO staff: the #AOWeek.
Between Oct 28th and Nov 3rd , the #AOWeek activities will take place onsite and online,
aiming to open the gates of the world’s most sensitive radar and largest-aperture radio
telescope to the public from all over the planet, showing the unique “behind the scenes” of the
facility and communicating the investigations performed there in the areas of Radio Astronomy,
Planetary Radar and Space and Atmospheric Sciences.

K-12 TEACHERS: there are many ways to include your students on the #AOWeek activities and
participate from your school on the AO 55th anniversary celebration!

1) You can register to be a virtual visitor and have access to exclusive content, including
livestream feed, to share with your students during the #AOWeek.

2) You can use the hashtag #AOWeek on your social media to send us your students’
questions about the AO Science, History and operations. Our staff will be happy to
answer your questions!

3) You can use #AOWeek + #ourAreciboMessage + #[yourSchoolName] to tag a picture of
your students’ representation of their version of the famous Arecibo Message. Stimulate
the kids’ creativity and let them use recyclable materials, LEGOs, paints, music or any
other way to represent the message they would like to send to a possible intelligent
extraterrestrial civilization out there.

If you are in Puerto Rico, you can also bring your students to the Arecibo Observatory during
the #AOWeek. All the onsite activities will be open to the public and include talks from special
guest speakers and the announcement of a mysterious global student’s challenge. Visit the for more information and don’t miss the opportunity of
being part of the AO celebration.