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Now more than ever...

Giovanna Guerrero-Medina's picture

Like many, the leadership of Ciencia Puerto Rico is concerned by the results of the U.S. presidential election. This period has revealed great divisions and a level of disaffection, both in Puerto Rico and in the United States, which are impossible to ignore. It is no secret that the president-elect has taken anti-science and anti-environment positions.

Thank you for being #ConCienciaPR!

Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer's picture

We'd like to thank these individuals, companies and organizations for their commitment with science education and the progress of Puerto Rico. Thanks to their donations we will continue celebrating Puerto Rican science; reaching more students and educators with culturally relevant resources; and supporting young scientists.

Thanks to these 105 supporters, PACIV, Lilly of the Caribbean and Pfizer Puerto Rico we raised $14,492.93. Thank you for investing in the future of Puerto Rico. Thank you for being #ConCienciaPR!

These donations will help us continue creating initiatives that bring Puerto Rican science to everyone and improve science education and access to scientific careers in Puerto Rico.

Yale Ciencia Academy: Professional Development Opportunity for Young Scientists

Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer's picture

New Haven, CT - The nonprofit organization Ciencia Puerto Rico (CienciaPR) is making a call for applications to the Yale Ciencia Academy (www.ciencia.org/yca; YCA), an innovative program to transform the training of young scientists in Puerto Rico and the United States. YCA is a collaboration between CienciaPR and Yale University and is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

A dream within a dream

Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz's picture

I've had all kinds of dreams when I sleep. Some are very long and strange but others are just funny. Those dreams while I sleep have always been a mystery to me, but are not part of my favorite moments. Daydreaming is what I really enjoy. I like to imagine how things would be if I do something to make them happen. They say, " It costs nothing to dream". I add that "to achieve your dreams is worth everything."

Community outreach and science policy: a vision

Uldaeliz Trujillo's picture

As part of the 10th-anniversary celebration of Ciencia Puerto Rico, we have been collecting stories from our volunteers to celebrate them and the work they do while also sharing with you the team's future vision for CienciaPR.

We want to remind you that the crowdfunding campaign #ConCienciaPR is still active! If you haven’t had the chance yet, please help us continue with our science education and promotion initiatives.  Please visit bit.ly/ConCienciaPR to make your donation. Thanks!

Today, we share the story of Uldaeliz Trujillo Rodriguez of San Juan, who has been a volunteer for CienciaPR for 3 years.   

Science communication through social media

Elvin Joel Estrada Garcia's picture

As part of the 10th-anniversary celebration of Ciencia Puerto Rico, we have been collecting stories from our volunteers to celebrate them and the work they do while also sharing with you the team's vision for CienciaPR’s future.  We want to remind you that the crowdfunding campaign #ConCienciaPR is still active! If you haven’t had the chance yet, please help us continue with our science education and promotion initiatives.  Please visit bit.ly/ConCienciaPR to make your donation. Thanks!

Today, we share the story of Elvin Estrada of Peñuelas, who has been a volunteer for CienciaPR for almost 3 years.

Passion for education and the extended family of CienciaPR

Yaihara Fortis Santiago's picture

During my PhD, I really missed being close to my family in Orocovis and interacting with other Puerto Ricans that also wanted to contribute ideas to the scientific development of the island. I wasn’t sure where to start so I decided to invite Dr. Daniel Colón Ramos, a professor at Yale University, to offer a seminar to students and professors of my program at Brandeis University. Daniel agreed, and without realizing it, I got involved in one of the most rewarding projects of my professional life.

A pilgrimage through Puerto Rican Science

Francis Heber Gonzalez's picture


To be in a cold, inhospitable climate, with your colleagues telling you stories of people disappearing under the snow in winter storms makes anyone second guess his decision to leave the beaches of my homeland for the cold winters of Boston.

After moving to that inspiring and musical city, somehow I learned of an initiative called Ciencia Puerto Rico, and they  had created a website. I thought: "More boricua nerds, good! What a great idea!" So I went to the site, created a profile and invited all my friends from the Chemistry Department at UPR-Mayaguez to join.

After school STEM programs: a vision

Paola Giusti-Rodriguez's picture

My name is Paola Giusti Rodriguez and I am from Río Piedras. Although I’ve been a volunteer at CienciaPR for only 3 years, I’ve known about the organization for almost 9 years, and I share many years of friendship with many in volunteer team.  Samuel and I studied together at the UHS (University High School at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras) and we’ve known each other for more than 20 years.  Giovanna was my mentor at UC-Berkeley when I interviewed for graduate school and years later our paths crossed again in Boston.

The desire to write about science and how I became a volunteer for CienciaPR

Wilson Gonzalez-Espada's picture

March 20th, 2007 is a unique day in my career.  That day I published my first lay science article in El Nuevo Día, Puerto Rico’s largest newspaper, entitled "Domestic birds a target for the bird flu”.  Three weeks later, on April 2nd, my third article was published. This one, entitled "Pluto goes to the psychologist," is special because it was the first of many in which I used science fiction and humor to educate about science concepts, in this case why Pluto was demoted from being a planet.


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