ACHÚ, a book to educate children about COVID-19 in a simple and fun way

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Achú, nuevo libro para educar a niños sobre el COVID-19

The Puerto Rico Public Health Trust (PRPHT), was given the task of developing the “Achú” Activity Book, to educate children about the new Coronavirus COVID-19. The book was created with the idea of ​​raising awareness in children, in a simple and fun way, of the world’s reality in relation to this disease, which is already considered a global pandemic, and nobody is exempt from it.

"We must protect our children since they can be great carriers of the virus and we must prevent the possibility of contagion." explained Dr. José Rodríguez Orengo, Acting Director of the PRPHT. “Our interest is that parents, caregivers and educators help us to carry this message to children and the general population so that they understand what is happening in the world in relation to COVID-19 and the importance of taking preventive measures." he assured.

Similarly, an activity called “Avoiding the Spread of Germs” was created, ideal for children to do with their parents in these moments of tranquility and social isolation recommended to prevent further spread.

"We are facing an unknown epidemic and we must be responsible to ourselves and others, particularly the elderly and immunocompromised people." Dr. Rodríguez Orengo concluded.

The “Achú” activity book and the “Germenes y Escarcha” activity were developed by a group of Public Health professionals who work at the Puerto Rico Public Health Trust.

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Download the Achú Activity Book here:



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