Pre-college students participate in RUM’s Mechanical Engineering Summer Camp

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Cited from El Colegio The main goal of the Camp is to motivate women to consider Mechanical Engineering as a career. “`The importance of this initiative is to eliminate the stereotype that Mechanical Engineering is for men. Many think that it is only working on automotive mechanics', emphasized Lourdes Rosario, camp coordinator.” “Doctor Jack Allison, associate dean of Engineering explained that the MechE department only has 21% of registered girls. This contrasts with the global matriculation of 35% females in Mechanical Engineering” In addition, this program tries to encourage students to consider RUM to continue their university studies. “The girls built robots, worked with sensors, participated in workshops on manufacture, microscopy and thermal sciences. During the Camping the girls participated in workshops, conferences, talks, videoconferences on topics related to the profession, like robotics, materials, thermal sciences and manufacture.” Among the extracurricular activities of the Camp were visits to the movies, the bowling alley, the planetarium, and sport activities in campus facilities, among others. “The coordinator of the Camp said that this year they received 108 applications, which represents almost a 50% increase in comparison with last year, in which 57 applications were received. She added that the 30 young ladies were selected by their grade average and their qualifications in the courses of mathematics.” “The Camp is free to the students thanks to the contribution of Boeing, General Motors, Henkel, Hewlett Packard, Kimberly Clark, Raytheon, Stanley Consultants Engineers and United Technologies Centers.”


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