Supporting successful Puerto Rican women in science

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Por Camile Roldán Soto /
Según el blog las mujeres boricuas están menos representadas en las carreras científicas excepto las relacionadas a la educación escolar

Why is it the more women don't study science, or why is it that if they do, they don't achieve as many professional positions of leadership as men? Many people have asked questions such as these in the past.


Gretchen Díaz, a Ph.D. in molecular genetics and collaborator of the online scientific community Ciencia Puerto Rico, asked this question herself, but decided to do something about it to change reality. 

She created Borinqueña, an online space to discuss and exchange ideas about Puerto Rican and Hispanic women and girls in science and how to overcome historical trends.


The original news story is in Spanish. To read the full text, please click on the "Español" button below or the link at the top right of the page.
