UPR Medical Sciences Campus Receives $ 15 Million Grant from National Institute of Health

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Comunicado de Prensa
La Dra. Marcia Cruz Correa es co-líder de los proyectos subvencionados (suministrada)

San Juan P.R. - The Medical Sciences Campus (RCM) of the University of Puerto Rico (UPR), announced today that the NIH through the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) awarded a grant for $ 15 Million dollars to establish a project of resources called the Hispanic Alliance For Clinical & Translational Research-The ALLIANCE. The project will be led by Dr. Carlos Luciano and Dr. Marcia Cruz Correa, principal investigators of the grant, in collaboration with Dr. Diana Fernandez from the Central University of the Caribbean and Dr. Pedro Santiago from Ponce Health Sciences University.

The ALIANZA is a project for the benefit of all of Puerto Rico. The project will be supporting clinical and translational research, which is the investigation of diseases with patients and in communities, through the strengthening of the research infrastructure, laboratories, and faculty development, among other vital areas to support the multiple researchers of the three institutions and other academic institutions in Puerto Rico

“The ALLIANCE award replaces the grant that the Campus previously had with the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) and the Puerto Rico Clinical and Translational Research Consortium (The PRCTRC). The grant represents a collaboration between three medical schools in Puerto Rico, including the Ponce Health Sciences University, and the Central University of the Caribbean as an island-wide team, ”stated Dr. Segundo Rodríguez Quilichini, Rector of the RCM.

Dr. Cruz Correa, Gastroenterologist Oncologist at RCM, highlighted that, “this grant places Puerto Rico and the University of Puerto Rico in an elite group of researchers nationwide within the IDEA program, since only one grant of this type is awarded. by state. For this reason, we became the # 12 Center of this prestigious national program, and the only one specifically for Hispanics within these twelve Centers ”. Dr. Luciano, Director of Neurology at the School of Medicine, specifies that “La Alianza is a project aimed at uniting the strengths of three of the main academic institutions in Health Sciences in Puerto Rico, focusing on the research of high-risk diseases. frequency in our population and how to address its impact on disadvantaged populations within our population "

For his part, the president of the UPR, Dr. Jorge Haddock, stressed that the approval of this grant has a transcendental impact on the UPR and on the island. “This is a project that is in line with the institutional objective of continuing to increase our portfolio in high-level research and that these are financed with external funds, supporting the university system as a leader in research, and just as important, providing an opportunity to development for teachers and students, which is even more unique in the historical context in which we find ourselves. On behalf of the entire university community, we extend to Dr. Luciano and Dr. Cruz Correa our congratulations and thanks. Her vision, effort, and commitment to excellence and the UPR today bear valuable fruit. Congratulations! ”He said.


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