Young Puerto Rican leaders want to present food security project in Mexico

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Two student members of EDRA-"Estudiantes Dispuestos a la Restauración Ambiental" (Students Willing to Restore the Environment) from Caño Martín Peña in San Juan have been selected to present their work in San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. Reiner and Edgar Echavarria will present their work: "Pollinating agricultural efforts from the school and community" at the IV International School Gardens Network.

The two young leaders, Rainer and Edgar Echavarria, have worked hard in environmental awareness and sustainable agricultural development, in and out of the eight communities surrounding the Caño Martín Peña.

What is EDRA?

"EDRA is a student group that teaches people the importance of nature , such as planting , cultivating and composting. That way we will not have to depend on anyone during food or environmental crises. We exchange knowledge and techniques with other vegetable gardens by establishing collaborative networks " - Rainer Echavarria

EDRA is a project of the Group of Eight Communities Surrounding Caño Martín Peña (G8, Inc.) and Project ENLACE.  EDRA is also part of the Urban Oasis School program of the nonprofit organization GAIA. The Urban Oasis School program in schools facilitates the use and development of green areas and the creation of programs for solid waste management in schools. EDRA is also possible through the support of the teacher Carmen O'neill, the pastry course at the Albert Einstein School, FCCLA, the Conservation Trust of Puerto Rico, Sapientis, among others.

How to donate?

This opportunity to represent Puerto Rico at the international level will provide training and personal development for these students and their community, the Caño Martín Peña .

To achieve the total sum of money ($ 4,675.00 ) for the purchase of plane tickets, transportation , lodging, food , among others, we request your donation.

If your school, organization or other institution wish to donate, Edgar and Rainer could exchange your gift for a talk or workshop on EDRA, compost and /or agro -ecological gardens.

Contact: Colibrí Sanfiorenzo-Barnhard (
            Ana Elisa Pérez Quintero (


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