University of Richmond--Director of Biological Instruction

Omar Alberto Quintero-Carmona's picture



Friday, 20 February 2015

Biology: Director of Biological Instruction - 000475

The Department of Biology at the University of Richmond invites applications for the position of Director of Biological Instruction, beginning August 2015. This position is a non-tenure-track continuing 12-month position. The course load is 4-4.

The candidate must have an M.S or Ph.D. (Ph.D. preferred) in a biological discipline in genetics, cellular and/or molecular biology and experience in undergraduate lecture and lab teaching.  We are particularly interested in candidates who demonstrate a commitment to and experience in evidence-based science pedagogy.  The Director is expected to teach a total of 4 sections (e.g. 2 lecture plus 2 lab) each fall and spring semester, with regular duties teaching Biology 200, the second introductory course for majors, which examines biological concepts at the cellular and molecular level.  Biology 200 is guided by the core concepts and competencies highlighted in “Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education: A Call to Action” (  Additionally, the Director will be expected to develop and teach new Biology courses, especially at the introductory level, and maintain engagement in professional activities that advance teaching goals (e.g. pedagogical workshops, scholarship of teaching and learning).  As a member of a team of faculty teaching Biology 200, the Director will contribute to the team’s development of course-embedded authentic research activities and inquiry-based labs.  The Director has the specific responsibilities for Biology 200 of coordinating instructional lab materials, troubleshooting and piloting labs, and working with a lab manager to coordinate training of student assistants for the course. In addition to teaching-related duties, academic advising and service on department and/or university committees are expected.  

Applicants should click on "Apply Now" at the top of this page and upload a single pdf file containing:  (1) a letter of application for the position, (2) a curriculum vitae, and (3) a teaching statement. The teaching statement should articulate the candidate’s teaching philosophy and future professional development goals.  Additionally, the statement should reflect on past teaching/mentoring experiences and training/experience in implementing evidence-based science pedagogy.  Applicants will be asked to provide the names of three references who will receive an automated email asking them to submit letters of recommendation electronically. Review of applications will begin February 20, 2015 and continue until the position is filled.

The University of Richmond is committed to developing a diverse workforce and student body and to being an inclusive community. We strongly encourage applications from candidates who will contribute to these goals. For more information on the department, resources, and teaching responsibilities, see ( and



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