
Para la Naturaleza inaugurates the Arboretum Miguel A. “Papo” Vives Heyliger

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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Located in the Hacienda la Esperanza Nature Reserve in Manatí, the arboretum has more than 1,000 trees, shrubs and plants native and endemic to Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.


Manatí, PR- Sheltered under the shade of the branches of a violet tree, between moments of shared laughter and tears of emotion, family, colleagues and friends of botanist Miguel A. “Papo” Vives Heyliger, celebrated the inauguration of the arboretum that bears his name at the Hacienda La Esperanza Nature Reserve (HLE), in Manatí.


Para la Naturaleza inaugurates Botany Institute awarding interdisciplinary research grants

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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The non-profit organization, Para la Naturaleza, recently awarded five grants for interdisciplinary research on botany through its Botanical Institute (IB). 

The Botanical Institute is a novel initiative in Puerto Rico that is part of the global trends that seek to highlight the importance of botanical science both in ecosystem conservation efforts and in the enrichment of human culture. This opportunity is aimed at developing new approaches and methods to create knowledge that place botany as an integral part of human affairs in all its dimensions. 


From Collection to the Digitization of Caribbean Plant Specimens

Kristian Saied-Santiago's picture

Imagine you are walking around your ideal natural paradise in the Caribbean. To me, that would be hiking in some trail at ‘El Yunque,' deep into the forest, gazing one of the majestic waterfalls it showcases. While busy contemplating your surroundings, a flower you have never encounter before mesmerizes you. You quickly get closer and utilize your senses to learn more about this beauty. After this initial observation, a few questions usually follow in our minds including: What is the name of this plant/species? Is it native to this region or is it originally from a different place? And, could this be an endangered species? In this day and age, with good Internet connection and some patience you will likely be able to obtain answers to these queries.

El tesoro de una científica rebelde

Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz's picture

Aunque su obra fue subestimada, Ana Roqué de Duprey legó uno de los textos más relevantes en la historia de la ciencia de principios del siglo XX en las Américas. Hoy, 90 años después de escribir la ‘Botánica antillana’, una investigación revela el valor del libro inédito.

Así comienza la crónica que el periodista, Eliván Martínez Mercado escribió como producto de su trabajo para el Centro de Periodismo Investigativo. Quedé fascinada desde la primera vez que Eliván compartió esta historia conmigo y cuando ustedes lean esta excelente pieza periodística, seguro sabrán el porqué.


Researching the usefulness of weeds

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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Grupo Etnobotánico de la UPR

Students at the University of Puerto Rico - Río Piedras are researching the edible and medicinal properties of plants that grow in the wild and are often considered as weeds.


The original version of this article is in Spanish. You can read it by clicking on ESPAÑOL.


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