
Carmín A. Centeno-Román

Carmín A. Centeno-Román es asistente editorial de la Revista Iberoamericana de Neuropsicología. Posee una maestría en psicología y actualmente es estudiante doctoral en psicología clínica. Carmín ha adquirido competencias como investigadora en las áreas de la psicología y la neurociencia cognitiva. Carmín nació en Ponce y le apasiona la literatura.


Puerto Rican woman becomes first female psychologist on major American Medical Association panel

Alondra Caraballo Franco's picture

By: Alex Figueroa Cancel

Idalia Massa is a native of San Lorenzo and a graduate of the University of Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rican Idalia Massa became the first psychologist to join the Panel of Editors of the important American Medical Association's (AMA) Compensation Guidelines.

Massa, who currently resides in Denver, Colorado, was nominated by the American Psychological Association to represent the field at the U.S. level on the prestigious committee.

Then, last week the AMA accepted and appointed the Puerto Rican to the panel, which was celebrated by the APA for being the first time that someone from the field of psychology is on the panel.

Read de full story in the spanish version.

Is it a panic attack or generalized anxiety?

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Roberto León Barriera

We have all experienced anxiety. In some instances, anxiety is temporary and is manifested due to a specific event. However, if anxiety affects your daily activities and you feel that you can't control it, it could be more than a simple preoccupation. Generalized anxiety is characterized by exaggerated worrying and can have symptoms such as tremors, inability to relax, difficulty to concentrate, excessive sweating, fatigue, difficulty to sleep, amongst others. 

For the full article, please refer to the Spanish version of this site.



Investigación clínica: Potenciales Relacionados a Eventos

Juan Víctor Concepción Cardona's picture
La investigación clínica es muy importante para el avance en la psicología clínica. Publicaciones recientes han destacado la necesidad de establecer métodos válidos para estudiar el comportamiento humano desde un punto de vista naturalista y social. La perspectiva social sobre el comportamiento humano toma principalmente la voluntad y los procesos conscientes para entender las acciones y reacciones de un individuo en un contexto social. Por otro lado, el punto de vista naturalista entiende que el comportamiento humano se debe estudiar teniendo en cuenta los aspectos biológicos que le llevan a una persona actuar de cierta manera. En este artículo se explican estas perspectivas y se introduce a diseños de investigación utilizando tecnologías de bajo costo en el ámbito psicológico clínico.

Tara Mandalaywala-Ocasio: I am Borinqueña and a Comparative Psychologist

Samuel L Díaz Muñoz's picture

Dr. Tara Mandalaywala-Ocasio grew up in a multicultural home full of science that is reflected in her multidisciplinary research on human cognition. From her office at New York University, this accomplished scientist tells us why she has attended scientific meetings since she was in diapers, about her adventures with the monkeys of Cayo Santiago, and what challenges and opportunities she has faced as a Borinqueña blazing a traii in science. 

Tell me a little about your personal history, where were you born and raised?

UPR- Rio Piedras students research how music could help manage stress

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Nicole Colón;
For full text please see Spanish version.
La música puede llegar a ser una herramienta útil para el manejo de los niveles de estrés en los estudiantes, ayudándolos a lograr una mayor concentración, fue el resultado de una investigación que realizaron estudiantes del Recinto de Río Piedras de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, anunció hoy la Dra. Carmen S. Maldonado–Vlaar, Directora del Proyecto de Iniciativas de Investigación y Actividad Creativa Subgraduadas, Título V Subgraduado (iINAS).


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