Science Policy

Scientific organizations ask Governor to prioritize purchase of molecular tests for COVID-19

Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer's picture

Scientific community underscores the need for "a coherent strategy, informed by the best available scientific evidence" and offers 9 concrete recommendations to achieve it.

The Scientific Community Demands Resignation of Dr. Carmen Deseda, Puerto Rico's State Epidemiologist

Bianca Nicole Valdés Fernández's picture

The Puerto Rico Science Policy Action Network launched a petition on March 19, 2020, to demand the resignation of the state epidemiologist in Puerto Rico, Dr. Carmen Deseda, because we understand that Dr. Deseda does not have the necessary expertise in health public and epidemiology, and has failed to prioritize science and evidence in her decision making. We reproduce the text of the petition below. As of today (3/24/20), 185 people have signed the petition, of which 34% identified themselves as graduate students, 34% as professionals with a PhD, Ms, MPH, Ms or DrPH and 32% identified as other (private sector, public sector, contractors, concerned citizens, etc.).

Líderes para el Cambio Oceánico: nuevo programa dedicado al liderazgo de científicos/as estudiando la ciencia oceánica

Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer's picture

Desde ecologistas colaborando con las Primeras Naciones en la Columbia Británica, Canada, a geógrafos humanos trabajando con cooperativas pesqueras en Baja California, Mexico, hasta oceanógrafos estudiando el corriente oceánico de California: si usted es un científico/a social, natural o físico que trabaja entre el nexo del cambio climático y el océano Pacífico a lo largo de Canada, los Estados Unidos, y Mexico, lo/a invitamos a aplicar al programa de Líderes para el Cambi





Health Policy Research Scholars - PhDs interested in Health Policies

Giovanna Guerrero-Medina's picture

From the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation:

Applications are currently open for Health Policy Research Scholars, a national leadership program for doctoral students from historically underrepresented populations who want to hone their leadership skills and apply their research to shape policies that improve health and advance equity.





Eagleton Science and Politics Fellowship, New Jersey

Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer's picture

The Eagleton Science and Politics Fellowship offers PhD-level scientists and engineers the opportunity to apply their training and expertise to the development and implementation of relevant state policy. As full-time aides in the executive or legislative branch, Science Fellows bring their advanced technical skills to service in state government.






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