Strike disrupts research at Puerto Rico’s top university

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Jeffrey Mervis

Last week molecular biologist Juan Ramirez-Lugo put all his coral samples in the freezer, locked the door of his lab, and told his six undergraduate assistants to stay home the next day. The assistant professor of biology at the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) in San Juan wasn’t happy about yet another disruption to his research on seasonal variations in how corals respond to thermal stress and his efforts to give undergraduates “authentic research experiences.” But he felt he had no choice.


RCM publishes book on epidemiologist studies

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Erick Suárez y Cynthia Pérez, professors from the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the Graduate School of Public Health from the University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences cAmpus published their second book  ‘Applications of Regression Models in Epidemiology’.

For the full article, please refer to the Spanish version of this site. 



Agricultural Sciences defend the value of their research

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El Nuevo Dia

Leadership from the College of Agricultural Sciences (CCA) at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez Campus, defended the value of the Extended Agricultural Service (SEA) and the Experimental Agricultural Station (EEA) against the attacks on the role of these entities, whose mission is to promote agriculture, research and community service for Puerto Rican families.

For the full article, please refer to the Spanish version of this site.



Dean from UPR-School of Medicine named as adviser for the Susan G. Komen organization

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The Susan G. Komen organization designated Dr. Bárbara Segarra Vázquez, Dean from the School of Health Professional at the UPR-School of Medicine, as a research advisor. In her new role, Dr. Segarra will work on the development of educational, research and public health initiatives at a global level.

For the full article, please refer to the Spanish version of this site. 



Research team at the UPR-School of Medicine discovers how the brain responds to frustration

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San Juan - It has happened to us more than once that we find ourselves in a hurry and the elevator we are waiting for takes too long to arrive. Immediately, we proceed to press the up or down key repeatedly, until we give up and decide to take the stairs. From a research perspective, the explanation for this fenomena of frustation was unknown until today. Guided by Drs. Fabricio Do Monte and Gregory Quirk, a team of neuroscientists in the School of Medicine at the University of Puerto Rico (UPR-RCM), discovered how the brain reacts to a frustrating event.


Pioneer in combined program at UPR-Medical Science Campus and Yale University

Zulmarie Perez Horta's picture

The student Sherley Collado Justiniano, from the Department of Biology at the University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus, is the first Puerto Rican to be accepted into the combined MD/PhD program of UPR and Yale University.

For the full article, please refer to the Spanish version of this site.



Puerto Rico Seismic Network inaugurates new facilities at RUM

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The Puerto Rico Seismic Network inaugurated its new headquarters at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez campus.
For the full article, please refer to the Spanish version of this site.


A route to monetize UPR patents

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Marian Díaz

One of the alternatives to generate income for the University of Puerto (UPR) in light of severe budget cuts, is to commercialize patents and creates businesses of high impact. One example is Protein Dynamic Solutions (PDS), the first biomedical biotechnology start up company that started from the UPR, which signed a commercialization contract two years ago and is now worth $4 million. 

For the full article, please refer to the Spanish version of this site. 



UPRRP hosts Jobs Fair 2017

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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The University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus will be hosting the 2017 Jobs Fair with the purpose to develop opportunities for students. This event will take place March 15, 2017 from 9:00am - 4:00 pm.

For more information contact, Jenny Padilla at 787-764-0000 ext. 86251, 86000 and 86008

For the full article, please refer to the Spanish version of this site.




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