Woodrow Wilson Fellowships 2008-09

Imagen de Aixa Aleman-Diaz


The Center provides 20-25 residential fellowships annually in an international competition. Successful applicants submit outstanding proposals in a broad range of social sciences and humanities on national and international issues -topics and scholarship related to key public policy challenges or provide historical and/or cultural framework to illuminate policy issues of contemporary importance. Eligibility PhD Degree Any country Required a book or monograph good command of English This is one year residential program. length: early sept through May (9 months) Stipend range: 26,000 to 85,000 Benefits: The center located at the heart of DC Personal computers are provided Part time research assistant for each fellow Deadline: October 1 2007 More information www.wilsoncenter.org 202 691 4170 phone Applications forms can be obtained Scholar Selection and Services Office Woodrow Wilson Intl Center for Scholars One Woodrow Wilson Plaza 1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC 20004-3027
