Call for applicants for Scientist Sentinels: Civic Engagement & Leadership Program

Imagen de Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer


Over the past year, we have been inspired by the way scientists have used their voices to affirm the role of science in society and contribute to making the world a better place. Now, we are pleased to announce a new program designed to help scientists and researchers take their engagement to the next level.

If you are eager to harness your role as a scientist and a constituent to share the value of science, inspire your peers, and support evidence-based decision making, we invite you to apply to Scientist Sentinels: Civic Engagement & Leadership Program.

This 6-month program starting in May 2018 provides a unique opportunity for 15 scientists and researchers to move beyond the basics of science communication to new levels of effective civic engagement and leadership.  Call for applications will remain open until February 20, and we will notify those selected by April 1.

We’re looking for passionate and dedicated natural and social scientists who want to become more effective leaders in championing science, and scientists, as pillars of a thriving society; better communicate their science to decision-makers; who seek to broaden both who is doing science and who that science is for; and who are committed to making science relevant, credible, and salient to the many choices we make as a society. We welcome applications from a wide spectrum of identities, values, viewpoints, and backgrounds, for a group that will come together for a transformative experience.

Successful applicants are expected to attend the three-day retreat May 29 – June 1, 2018 in Seattle, Washington. This retreat will be delivered by experts in science communication, policy engagement, and leadership from COMPASS and the Union of Concerned Scientists Center for Science and Democracy. Following the retreat, participants will have access to post-retreat webinars and peer coaching sessions for ongoing learning and support. Additional questions? Contact

Please share widely with your networks, and apply today!


