Calling all scientists and science students: We are Speaking up! for Science. Add your voice by May 11th!

Imagen de Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer


Speaking up! for Science: Congress is currently debating the fiscal year 2013 budget, and funding for science is very much at stake. Budgets for science agencies are on the chopping block – if there are substantial cuts, research opportunities and your chances of building your own lab and making a career out of science will become increasingly difficult. It’s time to act. We need your help to communicate the importance of science funding to your policymakers. Here are three things you can do right now: Add your name to our Letter to Congress by visiting Speaking up! for Science. (Please pass it along to others once you do so!) Like Speaking up! for Science on Facebook and submit a picture of yourself in the lab, telling us one or two sentences about who you are, what you study, and why it is important for government to care about your research (or research in general). Participate in the online community of science students at Speaking up! for Science – log in to the community forum, contribute posts, follow updates, and tap into science policy resources. Please join this important cause, get others involved, and help by Speaking up! for Science! Questions? Want to do more? Contact: Clint Collier Science Policy Intern Research!America 571-482-2709
