An invitation to read a very optimistic open letter to the people of Puerto Rico concerning fish sunshine and prosperity.

Imagen de victor greenberg


Written in a popular style, rather than academic or scientific, it makes the following positive argument: * Future prosperity on a global scale will require large increases in basic food production, especially high quality protein. * Measured in millions of square miles, the world’s shallow water tropical fisheries are the only natural resources left capable of supporting such large increases. * The present methods of hunting and catching fish will have to be replaced with cultivation. * This cultivation will require placing structures on the sea floor. * The best place in the world to begin this process is on the La Parguera shelf off the south coast of Puerto Rico. Yes, it is the reason I wrote this letter and an easy argument to make. Check it out. * The La Parguera shoreline and the La Jas valley just inland are best place in America to conduct solar thermal research. It is not just latitude, latitude, latitude; it’s the rain shadow from mountains to the east that gives the whole area a very high number of bright sunny days every year. * Combining both new technologies would greatly increase the efficiency of both. * A successful venture on the shelf would spread rapidly. * The new technologies will require increased production in related industries. The full text runs to 8500 words and I will be happy to e-mail it to anyone interested.
