NOAA Graduate Sciences Program (GSP)

Imagen de Giovanna Guerrero-Medina


Deadline: January 31, 2012 The Graduate Sciences Program (GSP) is aimed primarily at increasing opportunities for students in NOAA-related fields to pursue research and educational training in atmospheric, environmental, remote sensing and oceanic sciences at minority serving institutions (MSI) when possible. The GSP offers between two years (master's candidates) to four years (doctoral students) of NOAA-related research and training opportunities. To be eligible to apply for the Graduate Sciences Program, at the time of application you must: be a U.S. citizen; be currently enrolled as either a full-time student in an undergraduate program and be graduating in the Spring term or as a full-time student in a graduate program at an accredited college or university within the United States or U.S. territories. The undergraduate degree must be in the NOAA sciences, including but not limited to, biology, chemistry, physics, physical science, geology, geography, mathematics, law, social science, environmental science or engineering with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 in all undergraduate courses; have a minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent on other identified scale) in all completed undergraduate and graduate courses each semester or quarter, as well as cumulatively and in your major field of study. The grade point average requirement applies to every semester or quarter, cumulative, and in your major field of study prior to and at the time of application for a scholarship, for the period between application and award notification, and after award distribution; at the graduate level, have declared a major in a discipline including, but not limited to, oceanic, environmental, biological, and atmospheric sciences, mathematics, engineering, remote sensing technology, physical and social sciences including geography, physics, hydrology, or geomatics that support NOAA's programs and missions; and, progressed in coursework such that required course work and assignments for targeted position must be completed within two years for a Master’s degree and four years for a PhD. For other opportunities see:


