Nuevo program institucional para apoyar posiciones de postdoc en PR

Imagen de Giovanna Guerrero-Medina


Este programa, auspiciado por el Fideicomiso de Ciencia, Innovacion, y Tecnologia, es inaugurado este mes con dos posiciones en la Universidad Central del Caribe About the Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship Program The Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program is a new program of the Puerto Rico Science, Technology & Research Trust’s Grants and Foundations Support Office aimed at sponsoring cutting-edge applied research with high commercial potential in private and public Puerto Rican universities. To be eligible, universities must commit: 1) to protect, via patents or other mechanisms, and to commercialize the results of their research; 2) to partner with the trust’s Technology Transfer Office to commercialize university technologies via licensing and start-up formation; 3) to provide matching funds for the Postdoctoral Research Fellow positions; 4) to consider the Postdoctoral Research Fellows for tenure-track positions subject to performance of the young scientists. Applications (one per Institution, or per campus for university systems) is accepted for review the last Friday of each calendar quarter. Please allow 30-60 days for review. For applications, please contact Dr. Jesús Soriano, senior adviser to the Puerto Rico Science, Technology & Research Trust, at


Imagen de Javier A Perez

Suena muy bueno..... Parece ser prometedor y que los esfuerzos en traer el talento a PR si estan ocurriendo.