Oportunidad para trabajo comunitario en Vieques / Community organizing opportunity in Vieques

Imagen de Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer


Interested in community organizing and want to get a new health care group off the ground? Speak Spanish and want to spend the summer on a beautiful island? Try Vieques. The American Values Network, a D.C.-based advocacy group, is looking for someone to do community organizing on the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico this summer. The U.S. Navy used this serene place for bombing practice for six decades, but an international solidarity movement arose about 12 years ago to push the Navy out. Though the movement succeeded, contamination from the bombing remains. The island also has poor access to myriad medical services, leaving Vieques with high rates of cancer and other maladies. Your job would be to help community members start a new health organization to combat these problems. I was the first organizer on this issue last summer, and I have now written my PAE on it. The experience was life-changing. AVN hopes another Harvard student can continue the work once I'm gone; I hope so too. If you're interested, please check out this column in the Huffington Post, this article for the Hauser Center, and the report I wrote for AVN over the summer. Please feel free to contact me for more information. Jesse Lava (jesselava@gmail.com)
