Puerto Rican Small Business Development

Imagen de David Austin Craig


In reference to the recent news article "PR Small Business Development Center earns world-class technology development distinction," (link: http://www.cienciapr.org/news_view.php?id=53) I would like to say that CienciaPR member Edgardo Agrait is director of the Center for Technology Development & Commercialization (CTDC), part of the Small Businesses Technology Company Development Center Network (SBTDC). According to his CienciaPR profile, "The CTDC provides individualized business and technology management consulting to scientists and entrepreneurs in the areas of technology commercialization, marketing, strategic partnering and funding opportunities including Small Business innovation Research grants. Puerto Rico’s CTDC coordinates the technology program strategy across the 7 SBTDC regional centers throughout the Island." If you would like to learn more about Edgardo, the CTDC, the PR-SBDC, and entrepreneurship oppportunities in Puerto Rico in general, go to Edgardo's CienciaPR profile, located at: http://www.cienciapr.org/viewprofile.php?username=agrait If you would like to Contact Edgardo, go here: http://www.cienciapr.org/user_contact.php?username=agrait Please feel free to comment in this thread about the news article, the CTDC, the PR-SBDC, or Puerto Rican entrepreneurship!


