RIT’s Future Faculty Career Exploration Program for PhD Candidates & Early Career Scientists

Imagen de Kimberly Ann Massa Núñez


Fecha Límite: 

Lunes, 15 marzo 2021

 The application deadline for RIT’s Future Faculty Career Exploration Program is quickly approaching – March 15!  Program and application information: https://bit.ly/3bNQTPA

This program is geared toward African American, Latino American, and Native American PhD/MFA candidates, post docs, and early career researchers who are interested in a career in the professoriate. Participants will get a “behind the scenes” glimpse into life as a faculty member at the Rochester Institute of Technology. They’ll spend time learning from and networking with RIT administration, faculty and students, practicing their interview skills and research-talk presentation – all while exploring the research, teaching and service expectations of RIT faculty.

The program is scheduled for September 22-25, 2021. While we hope to be able to showcase our great city and campus to participants, we understand that the COVID pandemic is ever-changing. We continue to follow the guidance of the CDC & NY Dept. of Health on gatherings and travel, and we are currently making plans for a virtual program should we not be able to meet in-person.

Let me know if you have any questions on the program or RIT. Program and application information: https://bit.ly/3bNQTPA


