Si eres profesor o instructor de biología, considera solicitar al Biology Scholars Program

Imagen de Giovanna Guerrero-Medina


Fecha Límite: 

Viernes, 1 febrero 2013
Help lead biology education reform! Apply to be a 2013-2014 Biology Scholar!
Join a community of educators who understand the "Vision" and are implementing the "Change."
The mission of the Biology Scholars Program is to empower biologists to be leaders in science education reform and catalyze professional societies to sustain undergraduate education reform. The Program, funded in part by the National Science Foundation, is one model for transforming undergraduate biology education as set forth in the AAAS publication, Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education: A Call to Action.
Who are the Biology Scholars?
The Biology Scholar Alumni community includes nearly 200 national and international biology educators from community colleges, undergraduate institutions, and doctoral-granting universities, who are typically involved in one or more disciplinary societies. Learn more about these Scholars and read how the Biology Scholars Program has helped educators like you answer the AAAS call to action!
See the list of professional development and fellowship opportunities available to scholars:
Assessment Residency
Measuring Student Learning
Assessment Training Institute: June 12 - 15, 2013 | Washington, DC
Developed for individuals who are asking questions about the purpose of their courses AND the effectiveness of their course assessments. The goals of the Assessment Residency are to:
  • Develop measurable learning outcomes for courses or course modules grounded in research on teaching and learning;
  • Implement, integrate, and align assessment strategies with course learning outcomes;
  • Explore opportunities to develop a research study analyzing student learning; and
  • Create a community of practitioners to sustain improvements in teaching and learning.
Research Residency
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning    
Research Training Institute: July 17 - 20, 2013 | Washington, DC
Developed for individuals who are asking questions about the effectiveness of their teaching approaches. The goals of the Research Residency are to:
  • Conduct evidence-based research on issues associated with student learning in biology;
  • Identify collaborators from social, psychological, and statistical sciences education and anthropology;
  • Make research results public through presentations and publications; and
  • Create a community of practitioners that inquire about teaching and learning.
Transitions Residency
From Science Education Research to Publication 
Transitions Training Institute: June 24 - 26, 2013 | Washington, DC
Developed for individuals who have initiated their research, collected preliminary data, conducted preliminary analysis of their data, and possibly presented their work to colleagues on campus, virtually, or at regional and national meetings. The goals of the Transitions Residency are to:
  • Publish research on teaching and learning in biology;
  • Identify collaborators for national and international STEM studies; and
  • Create a community of practitioners that contribute to our understanding about teaching and learning.
Residency Travel Grant Available
Travel grants are available for biology faculty and postdoctoral fellows.   Please review the Travel Grant requirements to learn more about eligibility and the application process.
Biology Scholars Program
American Society for Microbiology
Education Department
1752 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036



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