Two opportunities for postdocs positions at University of Tartu, Estonia

Imagen de Elvin Joel Estrada Garcia


Fecha Límite: 

Miércoles, 31 enero 2018

The National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (Estonia)


The National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (NICPB) is a research institution under public law where the main task of the scientists is research that values academic freedom. The NICPB carries out fundamental and applied research and engages in the development of the novel directions in material sciences, gene technology and biotechnology, environmental technology and informatics.

Research in NICPB is conducted in an international environment, in cooperation with several industrial and academic partners. Stable funding is provided through long-term European projects and industrial projects.


Your tasks


We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher with qualifications in electrochemistry and either physics, chemistry or materials science. This position will primarily focus on investigating the electrochemical kinetics of both Pt and PGM-free electrocatalyst materials for the metal-air battery and fuel cell applications. The candidate will be responsible for the synthesis of the catalyst materials, experimental design and the subsequent interpretation and modeling of the electrochemical performance. An acceptable candidate should have an understanding of electrochemical processes and electrochemical testing methods such as but not limited to: cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry and impedance spectroscopy. Surface area measurements such as hydrogen underpotential deposition and electrochemical carbon monoxide stripping.

Diffusion limiting current measurements relevant to gas transport both in the bulk electrode and near the electrocatalyst surface. Kinetic measurements of electrode performance. Knowledge of and experience with electrochemical kinetic modeling is required. In general, candidates should have a demonstrated track record of success in addressing fundamental and applied science questions and devising solutions to challenging problems.

Candidate should have strong desire to work at the leading edge of measurement science and a high level of motivation to work in an international, multidisciplinary research team in the field of materials science are essential. Knowledge of English (oral and written) is important.

Experience in material characterization with analytical techniques for microstructure analysis such as TEM, XPS etc. is a plus.

This position is available upon agreement for a period of two years. For further information about the position please contact:

Dr. Ivar Kruusenberg

e-mail: ivar.kruusenberg@ut.eephone: +372-50-36963



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