Amelia Merced Alejandro

TipoTítuloAutorRespuestasÚltima actualización
BlogGuías rápidas para identificación de briofitas Puerto Rico Amelia Merced Alejandro0Hace 2 años 10 meses
Forum TopicUndergraduate travel award to the Evolution 2016 meeting Amelia Merced Alejandro0Hace 3 años 10 meses
Forum TopicExplora tu Cerebro en la SanSe 2020 Amelia Merced Alejandro0Hace 4 años 8 meses
BibliographiesContrasting pectin polymers in guard cell walls of Arabidopsis and the hornwort Phaeoceros reflect physiological differences. Amelia Merced Alejandro0Hace 5 años 1 mes
Forum TopicExplora tu Cerebro en la SanSe 2019 Amelia Merced Alejandro0Hace 5 años 7 meses
BlogPBS Kids SciGirls en Puerto Rico Amelia Merced Alejandro0Hace 6 años 6 meses
BibliographiesStructure, function and evolution of stomata from a bryological perspective Amelia Merced Alejandro0Hace 6 años 9 meses
BibliographiesHornwort stomata: Architecture and fate shared with 400 million year old fossil plants without leaves Amelia Merced Alejandro0Hace 7 años 1 mes
BibliographiesPatterning of stomata in the moss Funaria: a simple way to space guard cells Amelia Merced Alejandro0Hace 8 años 4 meses
BibliographiesAssociations between Lepanthes rupestris orchids and bryophyte presence in the Luquillo experimental forest, Puerto Rico Amelia Merced Alejandro0Hace 9 años 2 meses
BibliographiesNovel insights on the structure and composition of pseudostomata of Sphagnum Amelia Merced Alejandro0Hace 9 años 3 meses
BibliographiesDevelopmental changes in guard cell wall structure and pectin composition in the moss Funaria: implications for function and evolution of stomata Amelia Merced Alejandro0Hace 10 años 1 mes
BibliographiesMoss stomata in highly elaborated Oedipodium (Oedipodiaceae) and highly reduced Ephemerum (Pottiaceae) sporophytes are remarkably similar Amelia Merced Alejandro0Hace 10 años 5 meses
BibliographiesA developmental sequence for paraphyses in Neckeropsis (Neckeraceae) Amelia Merced Alejandro1Hace 10 años 5 meses
