Jonathan M Blagburn

TipoTítuloAutorRespuestasÚltima actualización
BibliographiesMorphology of identified cercal afferents and giant interneurones in the hatchling cockroach Periplaneta americana. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesFibroblast growth factor 2 applied to the optic nerve after axotomy up-regulates BDNF and TrkB in ganglion cells by activating the ERK and PKA signaling pathways. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesFibroblast growth factor 2 applied to the optic nerve after axotomy increases Bcl-2 and decreases Bax in ganglion cells by activating the extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling pathway. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesCo-factors and co-repressors of Engrailed: expression in the central nervous system and cerci of the cockroach, Periplaneta americana. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesChanges in fibroblast growth factor-2 and FGF receptors in the frog visual system during optic nerve regeneration. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesChanges in brain-derived neurotrophic factor and trkB receptor in the adult Rana pipiens retina and optic tectum after optic nerve injury. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesNeurotrophin-3 and TrkC in the frog visual system: changes after axotomy. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesBasic fibroblast growth factor applied to the optic nerve after injury increases long-term cell survival in the frog retina. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesCompetitive interactions between supernumerary and normal sensory neurons in the cockroach are mediated through a change in quantal content and not quantal size. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesChanges in nNOS and NADPH diaphorase in frog retina and tectum after axotomy and FGF-2 application. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesSpecificity of filiform hair afferent synapses onto giant interneurons in Periplaneta americana: anatomy is not a sufficient determinant. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesUp-regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor by application of fibroblast growth factor-2 to the cut optic nerve is important for long-term survival of retinal ganglion cells. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesInternal presynaptic tetraethylammonium (TEA+) blocks cholinergic transmission at a synapse between identified neurones. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesDevelopment of synapses between identified sensory neurones and giant interneurones in the cockroach Periplaneta americana. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesNicotinic acetylcholine receptors on a cholinergic nerve terminal in the cockroach, Periplaneta americana. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesSynaptic specificity in the first instar cockroach: patterns of monosynaptic input from filiform hair afferents to giant interneurons. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesCorrelation of filiform hair position with sensory afferent morphology and synaptic connections in the second instar cockroach. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesSpecificity of synapse formation in the cockroach. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesIndirect synaptic inputs from filiform hair sensory neurons contribute to the receptive fields of giant interneurons in the first-instar cockroach. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesPositional information determines the anatomy and synaptic specificity of cockroach filiform hair afferents using independent mechanisms. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesCiliary neurotrophic factor and fibroblast growth factor increase the speed and number of regenerating axons after optic nerve injury in adult Rana pipiens. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesDevelopment of chemosensitivity of an identified insect interneurone. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesNull mutation in shaking-B eliminates electrical, but not chemical, synapses in the Drosophila giant fiber system: a structural study. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesSpecificity of identified central synapses in the embryonic cockroach: appropriate connections form before the onset of spontaneous afferent activity. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
BibliographiesExpression of engrailed in an array of identified sensory neurons: comparison with position, axonal arborization, and synaptic connectivity. Jonathan M Blagburn0Hace 9 años 9 meses
