Yaihara Fortis Santiago's blog

Student at the University of Puerto Rico will develop technologies for NASA

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Perla Cruz Tato, recieved the NASA ASTAR fellowship to develop a technology that will produce water using semi permeable membranes.

This article was published in Diálogo Digital, on Monday, August 31, 2015. To read the original article visit: 


Student at Medical Sciences Campus received fellowship to study human sexuality

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Janice M. Epp, student at Medical Sciences Campus received pretigious fellowship to study human sexuality.

This article was published in Diálogo Digital on Monday, August 24th, 2015. To read the original article visit: http://dialogoupr.com/noticia/upr/becan-a-estudiante-de-ciencias-medicas-por-su-trabajo-clinico-sobre-la-sexualidad/

The Palmas Academy won submarine robotic challenge

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The Palmas Academy won several prizes at the Sea Perch National Challenge 2015 celebrated at the University of Massachusetts in Darmouth.

For more information about starting a robotic program email learningbydoingpr@gmail.com


This article was published in El Nuevo Día on Tuesday, August 25, 2015. To access the original article visit:



Biology professor at UPR receives Fulbright Fellowship to study in Poland

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Dr. Luis A. Ríos Hernández, professor of Biology at UPR in Mayagüez received Fulbright Fellowship to study in Poland.



This article was published in El Nuevo Día, on Sunday, August 23, 2015. To read the origianl article visit: 



Puerto Rican physician recognized by the American Academy of Pediatrics

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Dr. Luisa Alvarado, Graduate Medical Education Director at the Hospital Episcopal San Lucas in Ponce was invited to be a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Sociaty of Research in Pediatrics.  

This article was published in El Nuevo Día, on Sunday, Augsuta 9, 2015. To read the original article visit: 


Puerto Rican student received scholarship from Simon Youth Foundation to study biology

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Joselyne Marie Álvarez González received the Simon Youth Foundation scholarship to pursue a bachelors in Biology.   

This article was published in El Nuevo Día on Wednesday, August 5th, 2015. To read the original article visit:


Universidad del Turabo alumna receives award at NASA

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Melyane Ortiz Acosta, electric engineer at National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center and alumna (2008) from Turabo University was awarded the Agency Honor Award for Early Career Achievement and Robert H. Goodard Award for Exceptional chievement for Engineering.


To read the article at El Nuevo Dia visit: http://www.elnuevodia.com/ciencia/ciencia/nota/nasapremiaaingenierapuertorriquena-2079815/ 

Bronze for Puerto Rico in Math Olympics

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Francisco Proskauer Valerio, student at Tasis de Dorado won a bronze medal during the 56 International Math Olympics in Thailand.  

This article was originally published in El Nuevo Día, on Thursday July 16, 2015. To read the original article visit: http://www.elnuevodia.com/ciencia/ciencia/nota/bronceparapuertoricoenolimpiadasdematematicas-2074279/


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