UPR Rio Piedras students ran experiments at the NASA Johnson Space Center

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Lorna M. Castro
(De izquierda a derecha) Luis E. Betancourt-De León, Micheal Flynn (investigador en sistemas de soporte vital en el NASA Ames Research Center en California), Camila Morales-Navas, Diana Coral Díaz, Carlos Poventud-Estrada, Raúl Acevedo Esteves y el Dr. Ed

The team Microgravity Center for Advanced Nanoscale Materials (Micro-G CANM 2) from the Chemistry Department at the Natural Sciences School at the University of Puerto Rico was one of 5 teams selected to run experiments on zero gravity at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas last week. The team of students was led by Dr. Carlos Cabrera.

For more information contact Carlos Poventud-Estrada at cmpoventud@gmail.com.  Follow the team on facebook: Micro-CANM  and watch videos in you tubve at: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsxZvBVCCq8).


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