CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: Nat Sternberg Thesis Award

Elvin Joel Estrada Garcia's picture



Tuesday, 15 April 2014


The members of the Nat Sternberg Thesis Award Committee are soliciting nominations for the 2014 prize. This is a cash award given each year to a student for the most outstanding Ph.D. thesis in prokaryotic molecular biology. The award will be presented at the Molecular Genetics of Bacteria and Phages meeting, at which time the recipient will give a presentation about his or her work. The award also provides a travel allowance to the meeting.

ELIGIBILITY. The nominee must have completed and successfully defended his or her Ph.D. thesis within a 12-month period prior to June 1 of the year of the award (between June 1, 2013 and May 31, 2014). The nominee should be willing to report on their thesis work at the 2014 Molecular Genetics of Bacteria and Phages meeting, which will be held at the University of Wisconsin - Madison from August 5-9. For more information about the meeting see

SUBMISSION OF NOMINATIONS. Nominations must come from the thesis advisor or a member of the thesis examination committee. Nominators should send a single collated pdf file containing the following items: (i) cover letter, (ii) candidate's curriculum vitae, (iii) a copy of the thesis abstract that indicates the significance of the work to the field, (iv) reprints or preprints of articles based on the thesis material, and (v) three letters of reference, one of which must be from the thesis advisor.

The submission file should be named as follows: LastName_FirstName_2014.pdf and should be uploaded at: Please indicate in the cover letter the member of the Award Committee whose areas of interest most closely corresponds to the topic of the thesis (see below). The site opens for submissions on 3/15/14. Nominations must be received by 4/15/13. Note that only applications submitted as a single pdf file will be reviewed.

Members of the Award Committee for 2014:

Thomas G. Bernhardt
Petra Levin
Gigi Storz
Colin Manoil
Christopher Hayes
Jade Wang.

Please see the award web site for additional information. Address any questions to



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