UPRH celebrates Bioscience Month 2022

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 


 October 12, 2022

Contacts: Ingrid N. Vázquez Valdez, MAC, 787-231-3116 ingrid.vazquez1@upr.edu | uprh.comunica@upr.edu Dr. José L. Ortiz Lugo | jose.ortiz25@upr.edu

UPRH Celebrates Bioscience Month 2022


UPR Humacao will offer summer programs in science and math

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Diálogo Digital

The program Partnership for Research and Education in Materials (PREM) from the University of Puerto Rico at Humacao (UPRH) will be accepting applications until March 31. This program is for high school students interested in participating in summer research through the Experimenta con PREM initiative in the Cayey and Humacao UPR campuses. 

For the full article, please refer to the Spanish version of this site.



UPRH leader in research and biomedical training

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Diálogo Digital

The University of Puerto Rico at Humacao (UPRH), the leading academic institution in terms of research and biomedical training in the oriental region, recently announced the renovation of three proposals that would benefit students.

For the full article, please refer to the spanish version of this site.


Equilibrium, new scientific journal produce by University of Puerto Rico at Humacao

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Dialogo Digital

The Chemistry Department at the University of Puerto Rico at Humacao has created a new scientific journal, Equilibrium.

To see the first edition visit: www.upr.edu/humacao/equilibrium. To acquire the journal call Dr. Rolando J. Tremont at (787) 850-9387.

To read the full article, visit the Spanish version of this site.


UPR-Humacao will host the first entrepreneur incubator

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Diálogo Digital

The provost of the University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras (UPRH), Efraín Vázquez Vera, opened the first entrepreneur incubator with the name: Center for Bussiness Development (CEDE). CEDE is linked to the Deparment of Bussiness Administration at UPRH. 

For the full article, please refer to ths spanish version of this website. 



UPRH has a new Doctor in Material Science

Zulmarie Perez Horta's picture

The student, María Abreu Sepúlveda, succesfully defended her thesis at the University of Rochester in New York, obtaining her doctorate degree in Material Science.

The original article was published by Diálogo Digital: 




UPR at Humacao win two awards at Entrepreneurship Competition

Yaihara Fortis Santiago's picture

The University of Puerto Rico at Humacao won two awards under the category: Environment and Eneregy at the Entrepreneurship Competition 2015.

The original article was published at Diálogo Digital: http://dialogoupr.com/noticia/upr/upr-humacao-gana-dos-premios-en-las-justas-empresariales/

Professor at UPR Humacao receives distinction as Professor Emeritus

Yaihara Fortis Santiago's picture

Dr. Roberto Mori González, former profesor at the University of Puerto Rico in Humacao was recognized as Profesor Emeritus by the Deaprtment of Social Sciences.

This article was originally published at Diálogo Digital, on December 9th, 2015. To read the original article visit: 


Physics student at UPR Humacao receives CEAL fellowship

Yaihara Fortis Santiago's picture

Grace M. Fontánez Santana at the Department of Applied Physics at the University of Puerto Rico Humacao receives the CEAL fellowship by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Banco Santander.

This article was published in El Nuevo Día on Wednesday, November 11th, 2015:  http://www.elnuevodia.com/noticias/ende/nota/ganalaprestigiosabecaceal-2124498/ 


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