Postdoctoral Position Available at Case

Imagen de Carlos E Crespo-Hernández


A postdoctoral position is available in the research group of Prof. Carlos Crespo at the Department of Chemistry at the Case Western Reserve University. The successful candidate will lead a research project devoted to understand the dynamics of protein-mediated photo-cross-link and repair of oxidative damage to DNA in defined protein-DNA model systems. Detailed information about our group research projects may be found at the Case Western Reserve University Faculty website at The successful candidate is expected to make significant contributions in this exciting area of femtobiology. Our laboratory, as part of the Center of Chemical Dynamics (CCD) at Case, features a state-of-the-art Quantronix tunable, regenerative with multipass Ti:Sapphire amplifier with 100 femtosecond time resolution and three traveling-wave optical parametric amplifiers (TOPAS-FS SH SFG, TOPAS-FS NDFG-1,2 A, and TOPAS-White NB SHS) that provide spectral coverage from 240 nm to 18 microns. Related instrumentation also available at CCD includes a picosecond Stimulated Raman Emission, a nanosecond transient absorption spectrometer, a picosecond time-correlated single photon counting, and a nanosecond FTIR. The experimental work would be supplemented with molecular dynamics simulation and high-level quantum chemical calculations. Expertise setting up and maintaining femtosecond laser systems is highly desirable. Past research experience in photochemistry or biophysics is helpful, but not essential. A Ph.D. in chemistry, physics, or a related discipline is a requirement. The initial appointment will be for one year, extendable upon mutual agreement. Interested candidates should send a CV, and the names of three professional references, to
