Fundamentals of Genomics and Proteomics Workshop

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* The genomics portion of the workshop introduces participants to a variety of topics related to the application of microarray analysis. Emphasis will be given to experimental design, isolation of high quality RNA, platforms available for microarray analysis, data acquisition and analysis. * The proteomics portion of the workshop will emphasize protein isolation, two-gel electrophoresis, and SELDI-TOF analyses to determine the proteome profile of cells. Both sections of this workshop will include lectures, lab exercises, and demonstrations presented by local and national instructors. Tentative Workshop Outline Day 1: * Lecture: Design, execution, and interpretation of microarray experiments. * Laboratory: Isolation of RNA, quality assessment of RNA for microarray experiments. Day 2: * Demonstration: TDNA generation and labeling, hybridization to microarray chips, scanning of microarray chips. * Laboratory: Microarray data analysis. Day 3: * Lecture: Design, execution, and interpretation of proteomic experiments. * Laboratory: Two-dimension gel electrophoreses: isoelectric focusing. Day 4: * Laboratory: Continuation two-dimension gel electrophoresis: running the second dimension; SELDI-TOF. Day 5: * Laboratory: Acquisition and analysis of data from 2D gel electrophoresis. Eligibility: * Faculty members at primarily undergraduate institutions. * Post-doctoral fellows or advanced graduate students interested in pursuing a career in academia. Deadline for Application: March 31st, 2006 Applications can be found at this link. More information can be found at: or please contact: Carlos A. Torres-Ramos, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Physiology and Biophysics University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus email :