APS Minority Travel Fellowship Awards-Comparative Meeting

Imagen de Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz


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Miércoles, 16 julio 2014


APS Minority Travel Fellowship Awards-Comparative Meeting

APS is offering travel awards for individuals who traditionally have been underrepresented in science to attend the 2014 APS Intersociety Meeting, "Comparative Approaches to Grand Challenges in Physiology" from October 5-8 in San Diego.

The specific intent of the APS Minority Travel Fellowship is to  increase active participation in and networking at scientific meetings among pre- and post-doctoral students who are from groups underrepresented in the physiological sciences.

The APS Minority Travel Fellowship Awards are open to:

Applicants must be attending US institutions and conducting research within the 50 States and U.S. Territories. Porter Physiology Development Fellows are encouraged to apply. Late and incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

Travel Fellows will receive up to $1,800 in expense reimbursement for registration, housing, meals, air and ground transportation, and tips. These awards do not provide funds for international travel.




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