ASM Science Teaching Fellows Program

Imagen de Elvin Joel Estrada Garcia


Fecha Límite: 

Viernes, 13 septiembre 2013

The American Society for Microbiology (ASM) is offering a 5-month development opportunity to help prepare doctoral-trained students for science teaching positions at a variety of non-doctoral institutions. Fellows in the program take part in a highly focused training experience that combines in-depth webinars, pre- and post-webinar assignments, structured mentoring, and a community of practice. The experience is designed to help fellows deepen their understanding and strengthen their skills for science teaching positions at community colleges, minority-serving institutions, regional or state colleges, 

and primary undergraduate institutes. The experience is fast-paced, intense, interactive, and presents practical examples in microbiology education.




Eligible applicant must be:

  • A graduate student, postdoctoral fellow, or early-career scientist (a scientist who has completed his or her postdoctoral studies within the last three years)
  • Studying, conducting research, or teaching in the microbiological sciences
  • An ASM student, postdoctoral, transitional or full time member
  • Willing to commit time and resources to participate in program activities from October 2013 to January 2014
  • Interested in teaching at a non-doctoral institution

Applicants who want to join ASM to become eligible for this program may do so online at the ASM website.

Selection Criteria

Applicants will be selected based upon four criteria: 

  • Academic preparation. The program is aimed at individuals who demonstrate academic achievement in the microbiological sciences.
  • Career goals. The program is aimed at individuals who are curious about or pursuing a science teaching career.
  • Resources. The program is aimed at individuals who have limited resources and little access to mentors with information about undergraduate science teaching positions.
  • Readiness to participate. The program is aimed at individuals who have opportunities to utilize the information as it is being presented or as early as spring or summer 2014.

Participants will be chosen with the goal of bringing a broad range of experiences to the program. For example, every effort will be made to select participants representing scientific, geographic, racial, and ethnic diversity.

Preparing the Application Packet

A complete application packet includes materials 1-5 below. Type your responses, using single-spaced line format and 12-type font. Fill out and submit the Applicant Cover Page online.


  1. Online Cover Page. After completing the cover page, save the document in your files, and then select the submit button to send your information to the database.
  2. Curriculum vitae. List relevant educational and research experiences as well as any relevant publications, presentations, or awards that you may have received (two-page limit).
  3. Prior research, mentoring, and/or teaching experience. Describe how you have involved others (e.g., colleagues, staff, students, etc.) to support your research. Describe the nature of the collaboration(s) and your research goals (one-half page limit).
  4. Career Plans. Describe your career plans and expectations for enhancing your career goals through participation in the program (one-half page limit).
  5. Teaching resources and/or mentors. If teaching resources or mentors are available at your institution, describe how you have taken advantage of these resources. If no resources are available, state "no resources available" (one-half page limit).

Application Submission

Application materials 2-5 must be e-mailed as one attached PDF to with the following subject line: 2013-2014 ASM Science Teaching Fellowship:[insert applicant name here].

Complete applications are due by 12:00 a.m. EST on or before September 13, 2013.

Questions about the application process should be directed to Lyndsey Van Druff at (202) 942-9322 or

Final Notification

Applicants will be notified by e-mail about the final status of the selection process. If accepted, fellows will be asked to set up an account for the ASM Science Teaching Fellowship directory, e-community and e-platform for discussing work.

Affirmation and Acceptance

Upon acceptance to the program, participants will be required to establish an account with the 2013-2014 ASM Science Teaching Fellows Program and reaffirm their:

  • Participation in a series of six 60-minute webinars
  • Commitment to complete all pre- and post-webinar assignments in a timely manner
  • Participation in an online community of practice
  • Participation in follow-up surveys for a maximum of 24 months



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