Call for submissions: 2014 Letters to my young self (women in science)

Imagen de Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz


Fecha Límite: 

Viernes, 28 febrero 2014


Do you have wish you could travel back in time to share with your 6-, 13- or even 22-year-old self, a golden nugget about life, career or academics; to tip off the younger you with that little bit of knowledge of the future that would have assuaged some fear, or bestowed comfort; to pull her up when she was beating herself down for “failing” at whatever?

Now you can. Sort of.

If you are a geek girl at heart, and practice science and engineering professionally or as a hobby, we invite you to contribute to Science Club for Girls’ blog project, Letters to my Young Self, published in March to celebrate Women’s History Month. We are looking for people from diverse backgrounds, and stages in their careers. Contributors range from 20 somethings to 60+; have included astrobiologist, veterinary student, food scientist, human-interface engineer; born or live in South Africa, Brazil, Boston and Oregon. And we love them all.

For more information:



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