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Found 11 results
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Filters: Drupal User is Cristhian
Journal Article
M. R. Biswal, Ildefonso, C. J., Mao, H., Seo, S. Jung, Wang, Z., Li, H., Le, Y. Z., y Lewin, A. S., «Conditional Induction of Oxidative Stress in RPE: A Mouse Model of Progressive Retinal Degeneration.», Adv Exp Med Biol, vol. 854, pp. 31-7, 2016.PDF icon biswal_mr_et_al_2015_adv_exp_bio_med_ch5.pdf (200.84 KB)
C. J. Ildefonso, Biswal, M. R., Ahmed, C. M., y Lewin, A. S., «The NLRP3 Inflammasome and its Role in Age-Related Macular Degeneration.», Adv Exp Med Biol, vol. 854, pp. 59-65, 2016.PDF icon ildefonso_cj_et_al_2015_adv_exp_bio_med_ch9.pdf (87.78 KB)
C. M. Ahmed y Lewin, A. S., «Repurposing an orally available drug for the treatment of geographic atrophy.», Mol Vis, vol. 22, pp. 294-310, 2016.PDF icon ahmed_cm_et_al_2016.pdf (3.17 MB)
C. J. Ildefonso, Jaime, H., Brown, E. E., Iwata, R. L., Ahmed, C. M., Massengill, M. T., Biswal, M. R., Boye, S. E., Hauswirth, W. W., Ash, J. D., Li, Q., y Lewin, A. S., «Targeting the Nrf2 Signaling Pathway in the Retina With a Gene-Delivered Secretable and Cell-Penetrating Peptide.», Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, vol. 57, n.º 2, pp. 372-86, 2016.PDF icon ildefonso_cj_et_al_2016_iovs_with_supp.pdf (2.21 MB)
C. J. Ildefonso, Jaime, H., Biswal, M. R., Boye, S. E., Li, Q., Hauswirth, W. W., y Lewin, A. S., «Gene therapy with the caspase activation and recruitment domain reduces the ocular inflammatory response.», Mol Ther, vol. 23, n.º 5, pp. 875-84, 2015.PDF icon ildefonso_cj_et_al_2015.pdf (2.1 MB)
M. R. Biswal, Ahmed, C. M., Ildefonso, C. J., Han, P., Li, H., Jivanji, H., Mao, H., y Lewin, A. S., «Systemic treatment with a 5HT1a agonist induces anti-oxidant protection and preserves the retina from mitochondrial oxidative stress.», Exp Eye Res, vol. 140, pp. 94-105, 2015.PDF icon biswal_et_al._eer_2015.pdf (3.21 MB)
C. J. Ildefonso, Jaime, H., Rahman, M. M., Li, Q., Boye, S. E., Hauswirth, W. W., Lucas, A. R., McFadden, G., y Lewin, A. S., «GENE DELIVERY OF A VIRAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY PROTEIN TO COMBAT OCULAR INFLAMMATION.», Hum Gene Ther, 2014.PDF icon wo_links_ildefonso_et_al_2014_hum_gene_ther.pdf (892.86 KB)
Z. - Y. Wang, Zhao, K., Zheng, J., Rossmiller, B., Ildefonso, C., Biswal, M., y Zhao, P. -quan, «Systematic review and meta-analysis of the association between complement factor H I62V polymorphism and risk of polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy in Asian populations.», PLoS One, vol. 9, n.º 2, p. e88324, 2014.PDF icon wang_zy_et_al_2014_plos_one.pdf (897.65 KB)
C. J. Ildefonso, Bond, W. S., Al-Tawashi, A. R., Hurwitz, M. Y., y Hurwitz, R. L., «The liberation of CD44 intracellular domain modulates adenoviral vector transgene expression.», J Biol Chem, vol. 287, n.º 39, pp. 32697-707, 2012.PDF icon j._biol._chem.-2012-ildefonso-32697-707.pdf (1.58 MB)
C. J. Ildefonso, Kong, L., Leen, A., Chai, S. J., Petrochelli, V., Chintagumpala, M., Hurwitz, M. Y., Chévez-Barrios, P., y Hurwitz, R. L., «Absence of systemic immune response to adenovectors after intraocular administration to children with retinoblastoma.», Mol Ther, vol. 18, n.º 10, pp. 1885-90, 2010.PDF icon ildefonso_cj_et_al_2010_mt_absence_of_a_systemic_immun_response_to_adenovectors.pdf (255.97 KB)
A. M. Lugo-Chinchilla, Báez, D., Vélez, M., Ildefonso, C., y Renaud, F. L., «Altered subcellular signaling in murine peritoneal macrophages upon chronic morphine exposure.», J Neuroimmunol, vol. 176, n.º 1-2, pp. 86-94, 2006.PDF icon lugo-chinchilla_am_et_al_2006.pdf (162.56 KB)