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Puerto Rican microbiologist studies respiratory illnesses in poultry

Wilson Gonzalez-Espada's picture

Por: Gerardo E. Alvarado León

Una confusión al momento de escoger dónde cursaría estudios graduados, le dio un giro de 180 grados a la vida profesional de la científica Maricarmen García De la Vega.

La década de 1980 iba a medias y García De la Vega recién completaba su bachillerato en microbiología en la Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR), recinto de Río Piedras. Estudió tecnología médica en el recinto de Ciencias Médicas de la UPR y trabajó en varios laboratorios de hospitales; confirmó que le apasionaba la microbiología, especialmente la microbiología clínica (en humanos).

Lisandra Garay-Vega: Before You Get on the Road

Wilson Gonzalez-Espada's picture

Lisandra Garay-Vega: Before You Get on the Road

By: UMass Amherst Alumni Association Press

Learning from past events is not always easy, but crucial when it comes to public safety. Lisandra Garay-Vega ’04 MS, ’08 PhD, a project manager at the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), investigates significant accidents along our nation’s highways, on behalf of the agency, to determine probable cause and issue safety recommendations to help prevent recurrences.

“We are always trying to reduce the number of accidents,” says Garay-Vega. “Our investigations are comprehensive and focus on those things that will help us advance transportation safety nationwide.” 

CienciaPR inicia talleres para forjar a las futuras científicas de Puerto Rico

Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer's picture

San Juan, Puerto Rico. – La organización sin fines de lucro Ciencia Puerto Rico (CienciaPR), la Universidad Yale, y la Fundación Amgen darán inicio a la serie de talleres del programa “Semillas de Triunfo” que le brindará la oportunidad a niñas de séptimo a noveno grado de adentrarse al mundo de las  carreras en ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas (STEM, por sus siglas en inglés). Los talleres que comienzan este próximo sábado, 22 de agosto en el Recinto de Ciencias Médicas en San Juan, serán liderados por un grupo de científicas e ingenieras puertorriqueñas destacadas en sus campos profesionales y que buscan inspirar a  una nueva generación de “Niñas Embajadoras en STEM” para beneficio de sus comunidades.

Borinqueñas for a knowledge economy

Reyna I. Martínez De Luna's picture

On November 2014, on the first anniversary of the blog Borinqueña, Dr. Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz, its founder, stated the following regarding the strength of Puerto Rico’s women scientists and engineers: “If we had to bet on science and technology to find solutions to our greatest challenges and to promote the growth of our economy, then our country is proudly in the hands of its women…”

Enerys Pagán - A Borinqueña leader promoting scientific research among our youth

Marissa Morales Rodriguez's picture
Faced with a difficult problem, many throw their hands up and say "it is what it is", but instead of problems, a leader sees opportunities. Enerys Pagán, a young Puerto Rican woman who is currently a junior at the Brígida Álvarez Rodríguez Specialized School for Science and Mathematics in the town of Vega Baja, saw a problem in the lack of participation of Puerto Ricans boys and girls in science fairs and she decided to do something about it.

Borinqueña Global: A Conversation with Dr. Dianne Chong

Marvi Ann Matos's picture

In this especial edition for Borinqueña we interview Dr. Dianne Chong, a mentor of many engineers, managers and executives, an outstanding role model and one of the stars at the Boeing Company. It is impossible to measure the impact of someone like Dr. Chong in a career devoted to the advancement of the aerospace industry because her visionary ideas are not only found in the products, they are also found in the minds, mission and goals of so many of us that benefit from her wisdom. She has served on the Board of Trustees, is a Fellow of the American Society of Metals (ASM) International and in 2007 was President of the society. In fact she was the first woman to be president at the Society which was established in 1913.

A Celebration of Women in Science: Part One

Giovanna Guerrero-Medina's picture

This month, countries around the world celebrate the contributions of women—to our history, our heritage and, each day, to all factions of society. Although women have made many contributions to science, mathematics, engineering and technology, their achievements, sadly, have been often left out of the history books, as evidenced by the incredible recent discovery of Puerto Rican botanist Ana Roque de Duprey. This month we want to give voice to the stories of female scientists who inspire us: those who have left a legacy, as well as those who are currently working for the advancement of science. 

El tesoro de una científica rebelde

Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz's picture

Aunque su obra fue subestimada, Ana Roqué de Duprey legó uno de los textos más relevantes en la historia de la ciencia de principios del siglo XX en las Américas. Hoy, 90 años después de escribir la ‘Botánica antillana’, una investigación revela el valor del libro inédito.

Así comienza la crónica que el periodista, Eliván Martínez Mercado escribió como producto de su trabajo para el Centro de Periodismo Investigativo. Quedé fascinada desde la primera vez que Eliván compartió esta historia conmigo y cuando ustedes lean esta excelente pieza periodística, seguro sabrán el porqué.


Melody: Future Biochemist Collects the Harvest of her Seeds of Success

María M Rodríguez Guilbe's picture

We all know about the difficult economic situation that our country is going through, but there are always opportunities for those who give their best. The young lady Melody Rivera Hernández, from Vega Alta, is in her way to complete her university carrier in the biochemistry area with all expenses covered. She is the first puertorrican student, born and raised in the Island to receive the prestigious scholarship “Torch Scholars” to complete her bachelor degree in the Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts.





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