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H.R. 1709-Scientific Integrity Act

Luz Milbeth Cumba Garcia's picture

Image result for scientific integrity act

The Scientific Integrity Act would protect public scientific research and reports from the influence of political and special interests. The main goal of this legislation is to ensure that scientists can carry out their research and communicate it to the public and to reporters in scientific journals and conferences without any concerns of political pressure or retaliation. It also empowers federal scientists to share their personal opinions as informed experts and prohibits any employee from censoring or manipulating scientific findings

Bill Sponsors: Congressman Paul Tonko (D-NY) and Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI)

Legislative Body: 

US Senate

Relevance to PR: 

This legislation would have a positive impact in scientific research communication in PR as well, hopefully by mitigating political interest over evidence-based science.

Current Status: 

Introduced into Congress and referred to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology on 3/13/19.

Suggested action: 

This week (June 10-14) is the “National Call Out to Protect Scientific Integrity”. The Union of Concerned Scientist developed a resource guide for contributing to these efforts. Some of their suggestions are:  

A. Call your elected officials and tell them to support the Scientific Integrity Act now.

How to Make the Call:

Dial (202) 224-3121 to be connected with the United States Capitol switchboard. Inform them of your representative’ or senators’ name ( and they will connect you directly with the office you request.

If you reach voicemail, feel free to leave a message. Please leave your name and zip code to ensure your call is tallied.

Sample Call Script:

  • Hi, my name is [name] and I'm calling from [city, state].

  • I'm calling to urge [name of elected officials] to be an active co-sponsor of the Scientific Integrity Act and urge the House Science Committee to move this critical bill forward.

  • I want scientists to be able to follow their research wherever it leads—without political interference—and share their findings honestly to help inform governmental decisions on public health and safety.

  • Thank you for your time.

B. Share information about the “National Call Out to Protect Scientific Integrity” on Twitter.

C. Write a letter to your local paper about the importance of scientific integrity to public health and the environment, and the importance of your elected officials supporting this legislation.

D. Encourage others to participate by planning an in-person or online event.

