Agronomist from San Sebastián conducts research on food security

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Pedro Bosque Pérez
Etiopía es uno de los países donde la doctora en fitopatología (enfermedades de plantas), Maricelis Acevedo Román, ha trabajado e investigado. (Suministrada / Maricelis Román)

Dr. Maricelis Acevedo Román conducts research on food security.

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Maricelis Acevedo Román está a cargo en la NDSU del programa de investigación de royas de los cereales. (Suministrada)Maricelis Acevedo Román está a cargo en la NDSU del programa de investigación de royas de los cereales. (Suministrada) 


Acevedo Román evalúo miles de variedades criollas de un banco de germoplasma para identificar nuevos genes de resistencia contra las razas de roya. (Suministrada)Acevedo Román evalúo miles de variedades criollas de un banco de germoplasma para identificar nuevos genes de resistencia contra las razas de roya. (Suministrada) 


Acevedo Román Achievements

The Jeanie Borlaug 2010 Women in Triticum (WIT) Early Career Award

This international award given by the Borlaug Global Rust Initiative was established in 2010 and provides professional development opportunities for women working in wheat during the early stages of their career. The award is named after Jeanie Borlaug Laube, daughter of Nobel Laureate Dr. Norman E. Borlaug. Recipients of the Jeanie Borlaug Laube 2010 WIT award were invited to the annual BGRI technical workshop, held in St. Petersburg, Russia in 2010.  Award recipients were also eligible to attend a training program at CIMMYT in Obregon, Mexico in March of 2011.  Awardees were publicly honored in St. Petersburg at a lunch seminar talk on gender equity in Agriculture and at an invitation-only dinner hosted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 

Invited participant to the Wheat Futures Convening

April 7-9, 2013, hosted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in partnership with the Durable Rust Resistance in Wheat (DRRW) project at Cornell University.  A total of 14 participants were selected from around the world. The purpose of this convening was to imagine and discuss the future of wheat improvement with 15 future leaders of wheat research from diverse academic and geographic backgrounds. 

Invited participant to the Wheat Leadership Training Workshop. 

December 16-19, 2013 in Heidelberg, Germany. Sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in partnership with the Durable Rust Resistance in Wheat (DRRW) Project. A total of 17 participants were selected from around the world. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation supported a small number of pilot training courses for scientific leadership development in 2013, primarily in readiness for the Program for Emerging Agricultural Research Leaders in sub-Saharan Africa. 

Invited participant to the Female Leaders in Science Workshop. 

January 7-9, 2015 in San Diego, CA, USA. Sponsored by the Durable Rust Resistance in Wheat (DRRW) project, Cornell University in partnership with the Borlaug Global Rust Initiative. A total of 21 of women working in wheat at different stages of their career were selected. This workshop was developed in order to support women on their way to feel stronger, more content and confident fulfilling their role as a leader in the still male dominated world of wheat research. 


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