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Please use this section to share information about research opportunities, jobs, funding sources, current events, opinions, ideas, and anything else related to science and Puerto Rico. The message board is viewable without a CienciaPR account, but you must register in order to post. Please keep your comments civil and do not post commercial advertisements.We reserve the right to remove postings that do not comply with common rules of usage. Messages posted here do not necessarily represent the opinions of the CienciaPR or its members.

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Testing board 2
Posted by: David Austin Craig - 18 years ago
2 comments General Discussion
Neurocientíficos! Puerto Rico Neuroscience Conference está aceptando resúmenes de investigación: fecha límite: 2 de noviembre
Posted by: Samuel L Díaz Muñoz - 8 years ago
2 comments General Discussion 11/02/15
Bahia luminescente de Vieques
Posted by: Luis Rosado - 14 years ago
2 comments General Discussion
Oportunidades de verano
Posted by: Diego Lopez - 13 years ago
2 comments General Discussion
Forensic Anthropology in Puerto Rico
Posted by: Richard Gonzalez - 15 years ago
2 comments General Discussion
Programa de verano de ingeniería para estudiantes de escuela superior
Posted by: Elvin Joel Estrada Garcia - 6 years ago
2 comments General Discussion
Otra demanda al Fideicomiso de Conservacion
Posted by: Veronica Rosario-Rivera - 16 years ago
2 comments General Discussion
Posted by: Ariadna S. Rubio Lebrón - 1 year ago
2 comments Other STEM Jobs
Posted by: Elvin Joel Estrada Garcia - 6 years ago
2 comments General Discussion 06/29/18
Lab equipment & Supplies
Posted by: Andrew Boileau - 13 years ago
2 comments General Discussion
Feria de carreras científicas virtual
Posted by: Giovanna Guerrero-Medina - 13 years ago
2 comments General Discussion
2do FORO INTERNACIONAL Ciencia En Puerto Rico para estudiantes de nivel superior
Posted by: Elvin Joel Estrada Garcia - 6 years ago
2 comments General Discussion
Bristol-Myers to Close Puerto Rico Plant - continua el saqueo
Posted by: Roland Blasini - 16 years ago
2 comments General Discussion
Several Tenure Track Positions in Engineering at CU Boulder
Posted by: Fernando Rosario-Ortiz - 4 years ago
1 comment Faculty 11/15/20
Entrenamiento en empresarismo por parte de Guayacán
Posted by: Giovanna Guerrero-Medina - 12 years ago
1 comment Faculty
Puerto Rico será sede en 2011 de Conferencia Internacional de Desarrollo Empresarial
Posted by: Giovanna Guerrero-Medina - 13 years ago
1 comment General Discussion
Nuevo program institucional para apoyar posiciones de postdoc en PR
Posted by: Giovanna Guerrero-Medina - 13 years ago
1 comment Other STEM Jobs
Senior Manager, Mathematical Sciences (Statistician)-6663140606
Posted by: Wilson Gonzalez-Espada - 10 years ago
1 comment Other STEM Jobs 07/18/14
Ayuda a mejorar las estadísticas de salud boricuas - Revisión del Certificado de Defunción
Posted by: Giovanna Guerrero-Medina - 11 years ago
1 comment General Discussion 07/10/13
Simposio Herpetologia
Posted by: Manuel Leal - 15 years ago
1 comment General Discussion
Molecular Microbiologist
Posted by: Jeniffer Concepción-Acevedo - 9 years ago
1 comment Other STEM Jobs 03/15/15
Registrate y somete tu abstract para el Puerto Rico Neuroscience Conference
Posted by: Annelyn Torres-Reveron - 10 years ago
1 comment General Discussion 10/30/13
Job Opportunity- A collaboration with the Puerto Rican Department Of Health and the CDC
Posted by: Jeniffer Concepción-Acevedo - 11 years ago
1 comment Other STEM Jobs 07/01/13
FASEB-Competencia Imágenes en Biomédica (BioArt)
Posted by: Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz - 12 years ago
1 comment General Discussion
Baceria e-coli
Posted by: Michelle Lopez - 14 years ago
1 comment General Discussion


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