
Welcome to the UPR-IPERT Program!

The UPR IPERT Program of the Interdisciplinary Research Institute at the University of Puerto Rico Cayey Campus existed during the period of 2017 - July 2022 with the objective that more university students at the undergraduate level in different disciplines and socioeconomic profiles expand their skills in topics biomedical research and areas related to health. The resources we share in this section were developed thanks to grant number R25GM121270 from the National Institutes of Health, a federal agency known by its acronym in English as the NIH and its institute, the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS). We have the collaboration of UPR Humacao and CienciaPR. The content is the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official position of NIH.

You can access all the resources by registering in CienciaPR!

The resources developed by UPR-IPERT include:

  • Virtual seminars (webinars) that address biomedical research topics, as well as ethical, social and environmental aspects that affect health.
  • Tools to prepare your professional development plan (PDP)
  • Online Research Certificates: 6 Virtual Modules
  • Resources to improve your skills as a mentor (for teachers)


Semillas de Triunfo launches second chapter in Connecticut

Viviana S Flores-Rivera's picture


CienciaPR's executive director Greetchen Díaz Muñoz always dreamed of growing Semillas de Triunfo, one of the organization's flagship programs, outside of Puerto Rico. This past Saturday, January 25, 2025, ten years after founding the program, her yearning to create seedbeds of girls leaders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in other regions was fulfilled with the launch of the second chapter of Semillas de Triunfo in New Haven, Connecticut, known as Seeds of Success-New Haven.

Seeds of Success-New Haven is being conducted in collaboration with Yale University. It is being led there by Carolina Machado, project manager, and Giovanna Guerrero Medina, former executive director of CienciaPR and now a senior advisor to the organization. 

Puerto Rican Scientist Among the Coors Light Líderes 2024

Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer's picture

San Juan, PR – On December 5, the Coors Light Líderes program announced that Puerto Rican scientist Elvin Joel Estrada García was selected as one of its five leaders of the year. Estrada García, an expert in education and Senior Coordinator of Educational Resources at the organization CienciaPR, is the only person chosen from Puerto Rico on this occasion.

Celebrating its 18th edition, Coors Light Líderes, recognizes and supports Latino nonprofit leaders in the United States and Puerto Rico.

AAAS Caribbean Division celebrates women at convention

Viviana S Flores-Rivera's picture


The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Caribbean Division celebrated women in science in their 39th convention. The event recognized the first Puerto Rican neurologist, Dr. Ana Judith Román García, for her career and professional legacy.

CienciaPR celebrates its first Noche de Ciencia Boricua

Viviana S Flores-Rivera's picture


Alongside friends, colleagues, and sponsors, CienciaPR celebrated its first Noche de Ciencia Boricua on October 24. The event highlighted the most notable achievements of the organization since its foundation as a community in 2006. The activity also served to officially welcome the new executive director of the organization, Dr. Greetchen Díaz Muñoz, who took office in September 2024

Sciencie Protagonists: Greetchen Díaz Muñoz takes over as director of Ciencia Puerto Rico

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



César R. Candelario Febles

After a distinguished career, he takes the reins of the organization with the mission of empowering and bringing science closer to the community.


Puerto Rican microbiologists celebrate

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 




The Puerto Rico Society of Microbiologists will celebrate their 60th anniversary during their annual meeting with the theme "Innovation in Microbiological Sciences". The event has a full agenda with topics of high impact and the participation of local and visiting scientists that will share the latest innovations and tendencies in microbiological sciences.

For the full article, please refer to the Spanish version of this site. 



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