Conocimiento: A Tu Salud

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Sharing the science behind health, disease, and wellness

Infant Feeding During Emergencies

Anonymous's picture

After the Puerto Rico earthquakes, health sciences researchers from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Yale School of Public Health, the University of Puerto Rico and The Hispanic Council created this infographic on infant feeding practices. We thank Andrea López-Cepero for sharing them with us!

What is hypothyroidism and how is it treated?

Camille C. Irizarry Vega's picture

Before I started studying pharmacy, my mother used to tell me often that she did not feel quite right, she was always tired and had been recently gaining some weight without any apparent trigger or change in eating habits. It never occurred to me that these symptoms were the onset of hypothyroidism. After being diagnosed, my mother joined the number of people suffering from the thyroid, along with my grandmother and grandfather and many other Puerto Ricans.  

Asthma: A Multifactorial Disease

Nathalie Fuentes Ortiz's picture

Last semester, I did an internship at the Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Clinic of the Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, where we specialize in treating patients with chronic respiratory disease. Soon after starting my clinical rotation, I noticed the large number of visits from Puerto Ricans, especially women. Alarmed, I decided to investigate the reasons for this trend, and I went to the library to find more information about the subject. 

November: Diabetes Awareness Month

Yomarie Bernier-Casillas's picture

Did you know that diabetes is one of the leading causes of death in the world and of which there is no cure? Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects the body's ability to use the energy contained in food. As a result, blood sugar (glucose) levels increase, resulting in a chain of short and long-term adverse effects. Depending on the type of diabetes patients need insulin or pills to control it.

After consuming food, our body transforms it into glucose and other nutrients that are absorbed by the blood. After eating, blood sugar level increases activating the pancreas that generates insulin and releases it into the bloodstream. In people with diabetes this does not happen because the body is not able to produce or react to insulin properly.

What you should know about leptospirosis

Marcos Javier Ramos-Benítez's picture

Due to the floods and lack of potable water caused by Hurricane Maria, leptospirosis has become a real public health concern for Puerto Rico. There are two suspected deaths due to leptospirosis and five cases with symptoms consistent with this disease so far.

Leptospirosis is caused by bacteria. Infection occurs when people come into contact with surfaces, soil, water, or food contaminated with urine from rats, mice, and other infected animals. One can get infected through the nose, mouth, eyes and open wounds on the skin. In addition, the disease can be contracted by drinking contaminated water. 

Take care of your heart

Josiemer Mattei's picture

Heart disease affects the population of Puerto Rico in multiple ways: their physical and emotional health, quality of life, social and work relationships, and their wallet. February is heart health awareness month so we’ll take the opportunity to discuss some of the conditions that affect the heart and how we can prevent them.

What is heart disease?

November: Diabetes Awareness Month

Uriyoan Colon-Ramos's picture

Written by: Uriyoán Colón Ramos, Assistant Professor at the Milken Institute School of Public Health of the George Washington University & Josiemer Mattei, Assistant Professor in the TH Chan Harvard School of Public Health.

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. We are participating in this worldwide campaign in order to promote awareness about what is diabetes, as well as prevention and treatment measures.

What is diabetes?

Are you taking care of your bones?

Naiomy D Rios Arce's picture

Did you know that 5-10% of your bone is replaced every year? And that both females and males can develop osteoporosis?

Bone remodeling, the process by which new bone is formed and old bone is removed, is in charge of keeping your bones strong and healthy. This process is a continuous and tightly regulated cycle that requires interaction between two important cells, the bone forming cells (osteoblast) and bone degrading cells (osteoclast).  


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