Lueny Morell

CISE PhD in Paradise (@ UPRM) – Hablamos Español!

The University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez (UPRM) is looking for graduate students interested in the doctoral program in Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE). Areas of research include scientific computing, cloud computing, big data analytics and bioinformatics. Research and teaching assistantships are currently available.

For further information about the doctoral program please visit

Potential candidates are encouraged to apply to the UPRM Graduate Studies Office at


Wilson Rivera, Ph.D., Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Director, CISE Doctoral Program, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez (UPRM)

image courtesy of travelandleisure

Feds to test financial aid for unorthodox college programs

New times, new thinking, new models  – responding to the needs of society. Great pilot!

In an experiment backed by the federal government, Northeastern University and General Electric are offering a new manufacturing degree program to be taught primarily at the company’s work sites. Students will take online courses through the university, undergo training at a GE plant and earn a bachelor’s degree within three years.

The biggest twist: For the first time, students who enroll in that kind of partnership will be eligible for federal financial aid.

Read details here.

The Rise of Alternate Credentialing


To thrive in today’s fast-evolving job market, students need flexible ways to quickly develop and demonstrate new skills. Alternative credentialing is helping to address this problem. UPCEA and Pearson surveyed 190 institutions to determine the role alternative credentials play in higher education. Learn more about the key findings and download the complete report, Demographic Shifts in Educational Demand and the Rise of Alternative Credentials. Our colleague, Peter Janzow from Pearson, is co-author with Penn State and UPCEA.

Major findings:

  • 94% of institutions offer alternative credentials
  • One in five institutions offers badges
  • Badges are most commonly offered in the business industry
  • 71% of institutions have consistent engagement with the business community for internships, practicums, and job placement
  • 64% of respondents either strongly or somewhat agreed that their institution sees alternative credentialing as an important strategy for its future success

Higher Education in China

A Stanford scholar says that China’s education system is strong in many ways, but shows weaknesses at the college level. Freeman Spogli Institute research fellow Prashant Loyalka says that more incentives focused on faculty pay and student study could boost China’s higher education institutions.

Read the article here.

(Image credit: Paul Burns / Getty Images)




NASA Roadmap and Priorities Revisited

I always like when these important national agencies revisit their priorities and roadmaps. I wish all institutions of higher education would do the same (although some do). Click the image to download the National Academies report free of charge.

What are San Francisco’s Top Hiring Companies Now?

In spite of its high costs of living which is scaring some potential employers, here’s a list of the top hiring companies in San Francisco (part of Silicon Valley now). Salesforce – a software sales company – hiring over 300 employees.

Read the BizJournal article here. Download Indeed US salary report here.


Pressure to Spend More on Poor Students

A new report suggests wealthy institutions (in this study, those with over $500m in endowment assets) should spend more from their endowments to help low-income students, but many campus critics say it’s not so simple.

I wonder who else is to gain from these assets…

Glimpse Inside the Coffers makes a strong argument, that despite what some leaders at wealthy institutions may say, dedicating more endowment assets toward supporting low-income students is sorely needed and is doable. And in some instances, increasing endowment spending by just a small fraction of a percentage point would generate enough revenue to enroll many more low-income students and reduce the price these students pay.

Read the IHE article here.


Top Universities in Latin America (according to THE)

2016 Latin America rank World University Rank 2015-16 Institution Country 1 201–250 University of São Paulo Brazil 2 351–400 State University of Campinas Brazil 3 401–500 Pontifical Catholic University of Chile Chile 4 501–600 University of Chile Chile 5 501–600 Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Brazil 6 501–600 Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) Brazil 7 601–800 Federal University of Minas Gerais Brazil 8 501–600 Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education Mexico 9 401–500 National Autonomous University of Mexico Mexico 10 501–600 University of the Andes, Colombia Colomb

Read the THE article here.
