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Found 72 results
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G. A. Yudowski, Olsen, O., Adesnik, H., Marek, K. W., y Bredt, D. S., «Acute inactivation of PSD-95 destabilizes AMPA receptors at hippocampal synapses.», PLoS One, vol. 8, n.º 1, p. e53965, 2013.
F. Diaz, McKeehan, N., Kang, W., y Hébert, J. M., «Apoptosis of glutamatergic neurons fails to trigger a neurogenic response in the adult neocortex.», J Neurosci, vol. 33, n.º 15, pp. 6278-84, 2013.
D. A. Colón-Ramos, «Daniel Colon-Ramos: observing and making connections. Interview by Caitlin Sedwick.», J Cell Biol, vol. 203, n.º 2, pp. 168-9, 2013.
J. M. Santiago, Torrado, A. I., Arocho, L. C., Rosas, O. R., Rodríguez, A. E., Toro, F. König, Salgado, I. K., Torres, Y. Arroyo, Silva, W. I., y Miranda, J. D., «Expression profile of flotillin-2 and its pathophysiological role after spinal cord injury.», J Mol Neurosci, vol. 49, n.º 2, pp. 347-59, 2013.
S. Pendyam, Bravo-Rivera, C., Burgos-Robles, A., Sotres-Bayon, F., Quirk, G. J., y Nair, S. S., «Fear signaling in the prelimbic-amygdala circuit: a computational modeling and recording study.», J Neurophysiol, vol. 110, n.º 4, pp. 844-61, 2013.
A. Burgos-Robles, Bravo-Rivera, H., y Quirk, G. J., «Prelimbic and infralimbic neurons signal distinct aspects of appetitive instrumental behavior.», PLoS One, vol. 8, n.º 2, p. e57575, 2013.
J. Gulia, Navedo, M. F., Gui, P., Chao, J. - T., Mercado, J. L., Santana, L. F., y Davis, M. J., «Regulation of L-type calcium channel sparklet activity by c-Src and PKC-α.», Am J Physiol Cell Physiol, vol. 305, n.º 5, pp. C568-77, 2013.
J. C. Nelson y Colón-Ramos, D. A., «Serotonergic neurosecretory synapse targeting is controlled by netrin-releasing guidepost neurons in Caenorhabditis elegans.», J Neurosci, vol. 33, n.º 4, pp. 1366-76, 2013.
R. Rodriguez-Mercado, Ford, G. D., Xu, Z., Kraiselburd, E. N., Martinez, M. I., Eterović, V. A., Colon, E., Rodriguez, I. V., Portilla, P., Ferchmin, P. A., Gierbolini, L., Rodriguez-Carrasquillo, M., Powell, M. D., Pulliam, J. V. K., McCraw, C. O., Gates, A., y Ford, B. D., «Acute neuronal injury and blood genomic profiles in a nonhuman primate model for ischemic stroke.», Comp Med, vol. 62, n.º 5, pp. 427-38, 2012.
E. J. Rodriguez-Franco, Cantres-Rosario, Y. M., Plaud-Valentin, M., Romeu, R., Rodríguez, Y., Skolasky, R., Meléndez, V., Cadilla, C., y Melendez, L. M., «Dysregulation of macrophage-secreted cathepsin B contributes to HIV-1-linked neuronal apoptosis.», PLoS One, vol. 7, n.º 5, p. e36571, 2012.
C. Roman-Vendrell, Y Yu, J., y Yudowski, G. Ariel, «Fast modulation of μ-opioid receptor (MOR) recycling is mediated by receptor agonists.», J Biol Chem, vol. 287, n.º 18, pp. 14782-91, 2012.
F. Sotres-Bayon, Sierra-Mercado, D., Pardilla-Delgado, E., y Quirk, G. J., «Gating of fear in prelimbic cortex by hippocampal and amygdala inputs.», Neuron, vol. 76, n.º 4, pp. 804-12, 2012.
J. P. Brandt, Aziz-Zaman, S., Juozaityte, V., Martínez-Velázquez, L. A., Petersen, J. Gramstrup, Pocock, R., y Ringstad, N., «A single gene target of an ETS-family transcription factor determines neuronal CO2-chemosensitivity.», PLoS One, vol. 7, n.º 3, p. e34014, 2012.
Z. Xun, Rivera-Sánchez, S., Ayala-Peña, S., Lim, J., Budworth, H., Skoda, E. M., Robbins, P. D., Niedernhofer, L. J., Wipf, P., y McMurray, C. T., «Targeting of XJB-5-131 to mitochondria suppresses oxidative DNA damage and motor decline in a mouse model of Huntington's disease.», Cell Rep, vol. 2, n.º 5, pp. 1137-42, 2012.
