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Filters: Drupal User is ralerodriguez12
R. A. Rodriguez, Love, D. C., Stewart, J. R., Tajuba, J., Knee, J., Dickerson, J. W., Webster, L. F., y Sobsey, M. D., «Comparison of methods for the detection of coliphages in recreational water at two California, United States beaches.», J Virol Methods, vol. 181, n.º 1, pp. 73-9, 2012.
R. A. Rodriguez, Love, D. C., Stewart, J. R., Tajuba, J., Knee, J., Dickerson, Jr., J. W., Webster, L. F., y Sobsey, M. D., «Comparison of methods for the detection of coliphages in recreational water at two California, United States beaches», J Virol MethodsJ Virol Methods, vol. 181, pp. 73-9, 2012.
R. A. Rodriguez, Gundy, P. M., Rijal, G. K., y Gerba, C. P., «The impact of combined sewage overflows on the viral contamination of receiving waters.», Food Environ Virol, vol. 4, n.º 1, pp. 34-40, 2012.
R. A. Rodriguez, Gundy, P. M., Rijal, G. K., y Gerba, C. P., «The impact of combined sewage overflows on the viral contamination of receiving waters», Food Environ VirolFood Environ Virol, vol. 4, pp. 34-40, 2012.
S. Bounty, Rodriguez, R. A., y Linden, K. G., «Inactivation of adenovirus using low-dose UV/H2O2 advanced oxidation», Water ResWater Res, vol. 46, pp. 6273-8, 2012.
S. Bounty, Rodriguez, R. A., y Linden, K. G., «Inactivation of adenovirus using low-dose UV/H2O2 advanced oxidation.», Water Res, vol. 46, n.º 19, pp. 6273-8, 2012.
E. Alfano-Sobsey, Sweat, D., Hall, A., Breedlove, F., Rodriguez, R., Greene, S., Pierce, A., Sobsey, M., Davies, M., y Ledford, S. L., «Norovirus outbreak associated with undercooked oysters and secondary household transmission», Epidemiol InfectEpidemiol Infect, vol. 140, pp. 276-82, 2012.
E. Alfano-Sobsey, Sweat, D., Hall, A., Breedlove, F., Rodriguez, R., Greene, S., Pierce, A., Sobsey, M., Davies, M., y Ledford, S. L., «Norovirus outbreak associated with undercooked oysters and secondary household transmission.», Epidemiol Infect, vol. 140, n.º 2, pp. 276-82, 2012.
R. A. Rodriguez, Thie, L., Gibbons, C. D., y Sobsey, M. D., «Reducing the effects of environmental inhibition in quantitative real-time PCR detection of adenovirus and norovirus in recreational seawaters», J Virol MethodsJ Virol Methods, vol. 181, pp. 43-50, 2012.
R. A. Rodriguez, Thie, L., Gibbons, C. D., y Sobsey, M. D., «Reducing the effects of environmental inhibition in quantitative real-time PCR detection of adenovirus and norovirus in recreational seawaters.», J Virol Methods, vol. 181, n.º 1, pp. 43-50, 2012.